Last modified on Wednesday, August 16 2006 @ 04:18 pm UTC
The RV
Education 101 Newsletter
Learning RV's the Easy Way by
Volume 29 - July
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KOA campgrounds are excited to team with the leader in RV education and show their support for the RV industry by endorsing RV Education 101!
Quote of the Month
Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. ~Chinese Proverb~
Editorial by Mark
Hello Again Everybody, I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. We recently returned from a 2 week business / pleasure trip to Colorado and the day after we got back, we made a quick trip to the beach. In last months editorial I mentioned that we had already traveled more than 3,600 miles in our new motorhome. On this trip we logged another 3,500 miles pushing the odometer to slightly over 7,100 miles. We will be heading to Niagara Falls in a couple of weeks for some more RVing fun!
In Colorado, we visited Dawn's Family and our friends, filmed footage for a new DVD title, fly fished Eleven Mile Canyon, visited several fascinating attractions and saw some beautiful scenery.
One of my favorite attractions on the way there (and on the way back) was stopping at the Cabela's in Kansas. It just so happened to be Fathers Day when we stopped on the way there, and it just so happened I needed a new pair of waders. How convenient for me, huh! Tyler said, "Boy dad you sure are lucky to be here on fathers day." But seriously, if you ever have an opportunity to stop at a Cabela's you should do it, they really are quite an amazing place to visit.
The lowest price we paid for gas was $2.64 at a Flying J in Virginia, and the highest price was $3.00 in West Virginia, where the tax on gasoline is almost 45 cents a gallon. Needless to say I only bought enough gas there to get us across the state line. I figured I don't live in West Virginia so why should I get stuck paying their taxes. I have been keeping a close eye on everybody's thoughts and views on how higher gas prices will affect the RV industry, but I must say after seeing all of the RV's on the road and in the campgrounds I don't think it's changing many RVers plans for traveling.
We had a great response from the new "play and learn" crossword puzzle last month. Some readers wrote in saying it was easy and others wrote saying they almost got everything right. We'll mix it up a little, making some puzzles harder than others.
Happy Birthday America!
Enjoy the newsletter & happy camping,
Feature Article by Mark
Keep your Camper Cool
Summer is here and for RVers that not only means prime travel season is upon us, but so is the heat. If you ever walked inside an RV that is sitting in the direct sunlight on a hot summer day you know what I mean. I thought this would be a good time to list a few things we can do to make our summer RV camping trips more pleasurable.
Happy Camping,
Some of our monthly RV Video Tips are designed to provide basic RV information for new RVers and some of the future RV Video Tips will cover more advanced topics. If you have any ideas for future topics you can email me at
This months RV video tip is: Controlling Sway
New Monthly Feature RV Education Crossword Puzzle
As an added bonus to our newsletter, each month we will feature, another fun way to learn about your RV, by a Crossword Puzzle. This month’s play and learn crossword puzzle is on your RV's electrical system. Have fun, play and learn.
"I have completed your crossword puzzle. That was fun and fairly easy. You guys put out a good service for your customers. I wish you much luck with your business." Robert Murphy
Recreation Vehicle Fires Can Be Dangerous & Costly...Here are a some good safety tips to help protect you from fires when using your RV. For more information concerning RV fire safety check out my article titled RV Fire Safety
RV Tip: Reminders
by Les
Doll...a working certified RV
technician & author of Dummys
Guide to Buying a Pre-loved RV
Ever forget to lower your TV antenna or unhook your power cord? We have all done something similar, and this months tip deals with one method of reminding yourself of routine tasks.
Put a labled clip or ribbon on your antenna handle, for example. Whenever you raise the antenna, put the clip or ribbon on your steering wheel. When you break camp, the clip on your steering wheel will remind you that your antenna is still up.
Do the same for anything else you want to remind yourself of ...
If you have a slide-out, hang a length of brightly colored ribbon on the travel lock bars (if your slide uses these). The ribbons will attract your attention BEFORE you try to extend the slide.
Simple but effective!
How to inspect and evaluate a used motorhome the "PAINLESS" way
This e-guide was written by Les Doll, a working Certified RV technician, with years of RV construction and maintenance experience. In this guide you will find many little-known secrets and methods used by professional buyers to evaluate a used RV. This one of a kind electronic guide is your step-by-step road map to the selection of a trouble free used RV.
BUY NOW $14.95
RV E-Books are a great way to get the RV information you are looking for instantly, and with our newly designed shopping cart ordering the E-books you want has never been easier. Check out our RV E-book library and get the information you want right now!
The RV Lotto
If you haven't played the RV Lotto lately you don't know what you're missing. As of April 2006 we have given away over 1,540 free RV related prizes. We designed the RV Lotto just for RVers, and to help promote small RV companies who offer unique products for RVers. In return, the companies we help to promote offer the FREE RV prizes to you, the RV Lotto players. It truly is a win, win situation for everyone. When you register to play we will never give your email address to anybody and it is only used to announce the weekly winning numbers. What are you waiting for? Register and start playing and winning today.
If you're retired or semi-retired, own an RV and would like to help people rebuild their homes at disaster sites there is a new "RV Program" for you. In exchange for your volunteer work you will receive RV parking with full hook ups at no expense.Retirees to help at disaster sites
Consumer feedback about RV Education 101 products
Hi Dawn, We just bought our first fifth-wheel, a used 2002 Keystone Laredo. We have been looking for a few years and along the way, we bought your videos on towing and setting up the trailer which, by the way, are great! Thanks so much for your check-lists e-book. It is packed full of valuable information. We watched your tape again last night, and we are so pleased with how straight-forward your husband presents everything. When we first purchased our fifth-wheel, all the information about what you had to do to set it up was so overwhelming, but you guys make it so easy to learn and remember. I am sure we will think of you both as we start "playing" with our fifth-wheel today. We can hardly wait. Thanks, Mary H Kloman
Are you planning an RV trip to Canada or Alaska? Or maybe the Northeast coast or Southeast coast? Regardless of where your plans take you be sure and check out our RV Travel Videos/DVDs before you go. With over 30 travel videos to choose from there is bound to be one or more that can help you plan your perfect trip.
by Peggi McDonald, Author of RV Living in the 21st Century
Additional Storage Tips this month are from my new RV Packing Tips, E-book:
COSTLY INVOICES FROM IN-PARK SERVICE TECHS: When dealing with in-park repair – even for expensive items such as our refrigerator. ALWAYS ask before service is begun if credit cards are accepted. Some credit card companies charge small businesses an extra 5% service fee – it may be passed on to you or come out of the techs profit.
LEAVING AN OPEN CAN OF ‘POP’ OUTDOORS: A Florida neighbour relayed that she left an unattended OPEN can of pop on the picnic table. When she took a drink, the yellow-jacket bee that had taken up residence stung the top of her mouth. She felt fortunate that she had a bottle of HISTAMINE BLOCKER on hand. Other than the pain, she didn’t have to deal with swelling from an allergic reaction.
NOTE: For pets or people it is ALWAYS a good idea to have a bottle of Benadryl histamine blocker on hand to combat reactions from insect bite, poison ivy, etc. About RV LIVING IN THE 21ST CENTURYPeggi has taken the best of her internationally-acclaimed first book and has revamped and updated it to reflect the changing technology and rules in post-9/11 North America. This book is for the new or experienced RVer. There are so many tips from “how to” subjects as well as practical advice on "what to do" when you have medical problems on the road, and how to choose an emergency roadside service. The security tips for your house while you are away and health & safety tips are just a couple of subjects out of many that are invaluable and give you peace of mind! There is so much information we couldn't possibly list it all. RV Education 101 highly recommends this book: RV Living in the 21st Century
New Process May Cut Fuel CostsEthanol made from corn contributes more than 4 billion gallons to the U.S. fuel supply every year. Read how some new processes could allow the production of more than 70 billion gallons of ethanol each year, helping to cut fuel costs
Read News from Camping World by Mark..Have an Emergency Weather Plan![*2]
KOA Trivia Contest Will Challenge Campers
The KOA Camper Trivia Challenge, officially launched on May 1 and will run through August 13, offers more than $70,000 in daily, weekly and monthly prizes, including free camping from KOA, camping cook books from Campfire Café, family travel games from Patch Products, merchandise from Camping World and "how to" books and DVD's from RV Education 101 and Gibbsmith Publishing.
So what are you waiting for, Click Here To Play! and start winning some great camping related prizes today!
Read the full story KOA Trivia Contest
Stats Show Tire Care Improves Mileage
When we were traveling last month I was amazed at how many people I saw at service stations checking and adding air to their tires when the tires were hot, after traveling. The other thing that amazes me is how many people don't ever check the air pressure in their tires, or don't know how to. There is a right way and a wrong way to maintain the tires on your automobiles and RV. If it's done improperly it can be dangerous. If you check the tire pressure when the tires are hot you will get a higher reading because the hot air expands. If you let some air pressure out, when the tires are hot, they can be dangerously under inflated when the tires are cold, before traveling. While working on the newsletter I ran across this article. Stats Show Tire Care Improves Mileage
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics show that approximately one in every three vehicles has a significantly under-inflated tire, and that 660 fatalities and 33,000 injuries occur every year as a result of low-tire pressure-related crashes. And according to the Department of Energy, properly inflated tires can also improve gas mileage by around 3.3 percent and save 9 cents per gallon at the gas pump.
For more information on tires and tire safety read my article titled RV Tires 101
Happy Camper Half Price Camping Club Join us at our new fun,
FREE blog site - designed to give the RV community a place to share stories and
pictures of their trips.Help us fill the site with wonderful stories about RVing
- YOUR trips, YOUR words, and YOUR pictures. The site is syndicated for
publication on radio, in magazines, and online - so you may even get your
stories published!
Start your half-price discount camping privileges today:
Not already a member? Join 1/2 price camping today at
EPA Requires Low Sulfur Diesel from The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) now requires U.S. refineries to begin making ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD), which has 97 percent less sulfur than ordinary diesel fuel. The rule requires 80 percent of the diesel produced for highway-use be ULSD. By October 15, all stations selling diesel will be required to sell ULSD. Diesel vehicles emit about 10 percent less pollution running on ULSD. Heavy-duty trucks and buses with new clean-diesel engines are due in early 2007. They will cut soot and nitrous-oxide emissions by 90 percent.
Hot! RV DVD Value Packs Hot!
We just made it easier for you to learn about YOUR RV! We took our individual Travel Trailer and Motorhome DVD titles and put them in sets with other titles from our library that apply. There are three value packs to choose from and each value pack includes four RV training DVD's, which equates to almost three hours of one-on-one RV instruction. Not only does this eliminate the guess work as to which DVDs should go together, but you also SAVE a significant amount of money with the value set discount. After watching this complete RV DVD value set by RV expert Mark Polk, you will master your own RV experiences. Another great thing is this only counts as one item, so you only pay $4.95 for S/H!
The 3 value sets currently available are: Class A Motorhome, Class C Motorhome & Travel Trailer/5th Wheel. Each set includes 4 DVDs. Get your RV DVD value set today! RV Training Videos/DVDs
Motorhome and generator service Funroads, your one-stop information shop for RV service, maintenance and repair. Find motorhome service locations, RV appliance service or shop for Onan parts and manuals.
Other Popular Products at RV Education 101
Check out RV Education 101 Bargains![*3]
Buying a Recreational Vehicle DVD[*4]Also sold as an e-book $12.95 Buy Now, Read Instantly
Camp Hosting USA--Your Guide to State Park Volunteering NEW!
Good Governor 3 in 1 Digital Voltmeter
Canine Companion Emergency Kit
Information packed, RV Education 101 instant download RV E-Books
Live Your Road Trip Dream was one of three finalists and won the Benjamin Franklin Awards - Book of the Year for Excellence and Innovation in Marketing.
What?.....You would rather watch a video than read a book? Well, you're in luck! We have videos covering all of the information you will get from the e-books at>
The RV Book by Mark J. Polk NEW in 2006!
The RV Book is your personal guide to understanding and enjoying your RV. "RV Expert" Mark Polk turns complex into easy, making your entire experiences safe, fun & stress free. RV's give us the freedom to go wherever we want, whenever we want. But, nothing will ruin a trip or a vacation quicker than not understanding how to properly use and maintain your RV.
Mark Polk, the author of The RV Book said "Buying an RV is a major investment and it can be overwhelming when just starting out. In the book I tried to touch on all aspects of RV ownership; from selecting and buying the right RV to setting it up at your favorite campground. What type of RV is right for you? How do you tow or drive an RV? How do you safely use an RV? How do you take care of your new RV? I have researched and gathered all of this information, into one place, to simplify the entire process of RV ownership. Whether you own an RV now, or you are getting ready to purchase one in the future, I know that by reading The RV Book you will feel more comfortable about using an RV."
For Pop-Ups, Travel Trailers, Motorhomes and everything in between. After 20 years of fulltime RVing, I still discovered new information while reading The RV Book. Mark's book is so well written and informative... he patiently explains each basic necessity that every RVer should be aware of to assure safe operation of their RV. -Peggi McDonald, author of RV Living in the 21st Century
Price $19.95 Buy Now!
Rest Areas and Welcome Centers by William C. Herow
This is a very popular title and now it has been completely updated and revised! Quickly and easily locate rest areas, welcome centers, roadside turnouts, and scenic vistas along America's Interstate highways. Find out where these areas are and the facilities available such as restrooms, phones, picnic tables, vending machines, RV dump stations, and designated pet walk areas.
Rest Areas & Welcome Centers also includes Cracker Barrel locations and discount stores like Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, K-Mart, and Target. Easily find travel centers like AmBest Truck Stops, Flying J Travel Plazas, Love's, Petro, Pilot, and TA Travel Centers. These places welcome RVers with services such as propane, diesel fuel, restaurants, and dump stations. Some even offer free overnight parking!
Also included is state tourism contact information, a convenient list of toll-free numbers for hotels and motels across America, and an RV dump station locator. Rest Areas & Welcome Centers is a valuable resource for anyone that travels America's Interstate highways. 240 pages, a must have book for every RVer.
Select this link to view a sample chapter (Adobe Reader PDF, 184KB)
$12.95 BUY NOW!
General and Unsubscribe Info
About us:
Our goal with this monthly newsletter is to provide you with helpful information to make all of your RV experiences more enjoyable. I left my position as an RV Sales and F&I manager in 2000 to start my own company, RV Education 101. We produce educational videos, DVDs and e-books on how to use and maintain your RV. The reason I left my job was due to my concern about the lack of educational and safety awareness material available to the RV consumer, in other words, you. We are a small company. My wife Dawn left her position in RV sales to help start the company and is our Sales and Marketing Director. We currently have a 35-foot Class A motor home. We have two boys, Tyler 9 and Josh 15, both avid RVers and two dogs, Gracie and Buck. Gracie is the good one. If you would like to learn more about us and RV Education 101 feel free to visit our website>
RV Education 101 Newsletter © Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 Mark J. Polk, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder(s). All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. Advertisers are solely responsible for ad content.
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Happy Camping,
Mark & Dawn
RV Education 101
3969 Stedman Cedar Creek Road
Fayetteville, NC