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RV News and Stories

RV Walk Thru Training - Travel Trailer/5th Wheel 101 Video and DVD

  • Wednesday, July 13 2005 @ 08:21 pm UTC
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RV News and Stories Travel trailers and 5th wheels add a whole new dimension to the camping experience. They can also create additional headaches for you if you’re not familiar with the “how to’s” of your equipment. The Travel Trailer / 5th Wheel DVD will quickly provide you with a thorough understanding of how your travel trailer or 5th wheel works. Topics covered in this DVD include: complete set up procedures, hitch work, leveling, campground setup, LP gas system, water system, electrical system, sewage system, appliances, accessories and safety cautions and warnings. Demonstration is shown on both a travel trailer and 5th wheel where appropriate. Watch RV expert Mark Polk as he gives you a personal travel trailer or 5th wheel orientation. You too will soon be a pro!...

RV Walk Thru Video and DVD Training - Pop Up 101 Video and DVD

  • Wednesday, July 13 2005 @ 08:18 pm UTC
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RV News and Stories Thousands of campers enjoy camping each year in their pop-up campers. Why not be one of them? Let the Pop Up 101 video/DVD help make your camping experience simple, easy and safe. Topics covered in this video include: complete set-up procedures, campground hook-ups, LP gas, water, electric, appliances, accessories, tips on backing and safety cautions and warnings. Demonstration is shown on a pop-up. Watch RV expert Mark Polk as he gives you a personal pop up orientation as many times as you want!

Fleetwood RV Helps Provide A “Safe Haven” To Riverside County

  • Tuesday, July 12 2005 @ 11:38 am UTC
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RV News and Stories Fleetwood RV, a leading producer of recreational vehicles, today announced its collaboration with Mobile Safe Haven, a community program from Prevent Child Abuse Riverside County and the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department. PCA Riverside County , the county’s designated lead agency tasked with child abuse and neglect prevention, hosted a rollout event in downtown Riverside this afternoon to showcase the program.

Essential RV Items for your RV Checklist by Mark J. Polk of RV Education 101

  • Tuesday, July 12 2005 @ 05:03 am UTC
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RV News and Stories This is pretty basic information, but I thought we would discuss what you will need to pack in the RV before you leave on a trip. The reason for reviewing this is because of the basic items I forgot to take along on a Cub Scout camping trip. For instance bug spray! Mosquitos are still around in N.C. in October. I also forgot what was probably the most important piece of equipment,a camera. Fortunately another Dad and son we made friends with are going to send us copies of pictures they took....

RVers Rolling in By the Thousands; 12,000 RVers Setting Up Camp in Redmond, Oregon

  • Monday, July 11 2005 @ 10:05 pm UTC
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RV News and Stories RVers Rolling in By the Thousands; 12,000 RVers Setting Up Camp in Redmond, Oregon
Monday July 11, 5:20 am ET

REDMOND, Ore., July 11 /PRNewswire/ -- They've come from every state and from 8 Canadian provinces. They've driven thousands of miles, singing hundreds of songs and encountering extreme gas prices, but, none the less, they've come.

What could possibly be so enticing that it can unite RVers from across the nation? The Great North American RV Rally, of course -- a place where all members of the family are catered to, from the youngest child or grandchild to the family pet.

eCampSite.com Pop-Up 101 DVD Review:

  • Monday, July 11 2005 @ 05:00 pm UTC
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RV News and Stories Currently owners of a 1980's model pop up travel trailer, the first thing that became ovbious to us in the Pop Up 101 DVD was that although the pop up used in the instructional video is a much newer model, the information contained in the video is as useful for the pop up that we own as it is for the pop up in the video itself.

Reviewing the video on DVD gave us the added advantage of being able to watch it completely through or jump from chapter to chapter. We watched it completely through and used the chapter buttons to quickly jump to information we wanted to see again. This can be done on a dvd player, a computer, or as we did on our laptop.

Fleetwood RV 2006 Discovery Launches Nationwide

  • Monday, July 11 2005 @ 11:30 am UTC
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RV News and Stories Fleetwood RV, a leading manufacturer of recreational vehicles, today announced the nationwide launch of its 2006 Discovery, Class A diesel-pusher.

The 2006 Discovery is laden with luxurious new features, both inside and out, including the innovative 39C side-aisle floor plan. The exterior is highlighted by new graphic designs and full-body paint options, restyled front and rear caps and easier outside storage compartment access.

RV Purchasing: Some Things to Consider by Mark J. Polk of RV Education 101

  • Monday, July 11 2005 @ 05:06 am UTC
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RV News and Stories Did you go to an RV show this year? If so, did it make you want to buy an RV or trade the one you have for something different? We are perfectly happy with our Class C motor home, but when we go to an RV show something comes over me. I start to think maybe we need something bigger, or maybe we should trade for a Class A motor home. I can't explain it, but it happens every time. Fortunately reality sets in when I consider the higher payment that comes along with the new RV!....

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RV University, a site providing Recreation Vehicle safety, RV maintenance information, RV tips, RV advice and RV instruction for using and maintaining an RV by Mark Polk.
Our best selling "how to" RV walk through orientation videos and e-book titles.