RV 101 This Month: May 2017
- Thursday, May 11 2017 @ 02:19 pm UTC
- Contributed by: RVED101

It took a while but warmer weather and camping season are finally upon us. Last month I de-winterized the RV and went through my spring checks. Afterwards we took the RV on a shake-down trip to the spring Auto Fair at the Charlotte Motor Speedway. While there I remembered that our TV antenna had some issues going up and down (something I missed during my spring checks) so when we got home I decided to update it with a new HD digital RV antenna. Be sure and read this month's feature article to see how the antenna installation went. With warmer weather ahead it's time to prep your RV, plan some RV trips and go have some fun! If you did not prepare your RV for this year's camping season you can go to last month's article for ideas on what to check. ...