RV Education 101 January 2009 Newsletter
- Wednesday, January 07 2009 @ 11:18 am UTC
- Contributed by: RVED101

The RV Education 101® Newsletter
Learning RV's the Easy Way by Video
Volume 56 - January 2009
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Kampgrounds of America (KOA)
proudly sponsor and are happy to endorse
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Explorer RV Insurance Agency also
Proudly Endorses & Sponsors RV Education 101
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"Mark, I have several of your videos and they are great. So far, I have used most of the items you show in the EZ RV Upgrade video. Just before I received your video I was just about to have my dealer install two window awnings. After watching you I did the job myself and it worked just the way you said and saved me much money. Thanks, Cougar by Keystone owner, Bob Jacobs
"The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you." ~ B. B. King
There is Always Something Left to Learn:
Hi Chief Polk and Dawn, I purchased your book at Wal-Mart recently, which led me to order your Class C Rental/Owner package and RV Seminar DVD 6PACK. I've been RVing
for about six years, read everything I can get my hands on, and your
book and videos made me realize there's always something left to learn.
My wife and I really enjoyed watching these and learned a lot.
Congratulations on your second career as an RV educator. When my time comes to retire from the Army I hope that I can find something that I truly enjoy for a job...your story's a real inspiration.....MAJ Smith
Hi Everybody & Happy New Year,
I think it's safe to say that it feels good to put 2008 behind us, and see what's in store for 2009. The new year presents its own challenges with the current state of our economy, and it forces us to open our eyes to the reality of the situation we are in.
The good news is, when faced with a situation like the recession, we take a step back and regroup. Not only as individuals but as a united group, all in this together. As an individual you resort back to simpler times. Work hard, spend a little less and save more. As a country our government and big business is forced to examine the current situation and make the necessary changes to improve our economy. Washington needs to focus on creating more jobs, boosting consumer confidence, lowering interest rates and increasing consumer spending.
2009 is our 10 year anniversary for being in business. We recognize that we will be faced with our own set of challenges this new year, but I choose to have an optimistic outlook on the future. I saw a lot of RV's on the road over the holidays which is encouraging. Fuel prices are down, interest rates are down and RVIA & RVDA are actively working to resolve problems the RV industry is confronted with. For current RV owners this is a great time to get out and enjoy your RV. For new RV buyers there has probably never been a better time to buy. RV Manufacturers are offering some great incentives to help move inventory off dealers lots.
It's inevitable that some manufacturers and dealers will have to close their doors, just like many of the big box retailers have had to do. But companies that roll up their sleeves and dig in, can and will, weather the storm. When the economy is down, there is no place left to go but up.
As for us personally, we will continue to plan and save for our 2009 RV trips just as we have in past years. As for RV Education 101, we will try to do our part and offer some great discounts and ways for the RV consumer to save on products we have to offer. After all, we plan to be celebrating our 15 year anniversary in 2014.
Happy Camping,
RVING WITH MARK POLK ~ Feature Article: Winter Battery Storage
Are you concerned about how or what to do to properly store your RV batteries......
Read the Rest of the Story at my blog
* BEST selling how to book - THE RV BOOK - is now available as an Ebook. Get it INSTANTLY!
"The RV Book" Over 40,000 copies sold since 2006
By: Mark Polk
is available at:
Camping World
and Wal-Mart in the RV/Auto section
or buy the paperback online here.....
Discounted slightly damaged books here.....
RVIA Asks Government to Free Up Consumer Credit as Part of TARP RVIA President Richard Coon sent letters to Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson and Congressman Joe Donnelly (D-IN) last month discussing the critical need to make consumer and dealer floor plan financing more readily available for RV consumers and dealers....
Tell Congress to Protect RV Interests in Difficult Economic Climate In these difficult economic times, the RV industry faces stiff financial headwinds. As the federal government considers a variety of options for economic stimulus, now is the time to make clear that the RV lifestyle must be protected in any comprehensive plan to address this crisis. ...
RVing Retains Appeal Despite Challenging Economic Times Despite negative economic forces buffeting the recreation vehicle (RV) industry, RVs and RV travel continue to be perceived positively by the media and the public, the RVIA PR team reported this morning at the kickoff event to the 46th Annual National RV Trade Show.....
Campground Reservations Post your comment if you do or do not make campground reservations...
Subscribe now to RV Education 101 Free Video Tips that are posted on Youtube. You will automatically be sent a notice each time we post a new video. Currently there are 16 free video tips to watch. If you have a website or blog, you can even get the video code to embed whichever free video tip you want, directly on your site. Just click on each video to get the subscribe or embed codes.
RV Poll
Every month we include a poll on RV related issues. The poll remains on our RVUniversity.com
site until the next poll is posted in the following newsletter.
Last months poll "Do you RV in the Winter??"
33.78% said: No.....
66.22% said: Yes
To participate in the poll look on the left hand column of RV University towards the top
Drive Your Motorhome Like a Pro DVD
Now you don't have to drive across the country in search of a driving school to learn driving skills. Drive Your Motorhome Like a Pro DVD is your complete video guide to professional driving techniques for beginners to experienced drivers. It takes commercial driving training techniques and converts them to layman's terms, and it explains basic rules so you can apply them to any vehicle you might drive. It will save you a lot of money and frustration!
Want the Book AND the DVD as a SET? You will really learn how to Drive like a Pro!
California RV dealership offers new units at HALF price...
America's largest indoor RV show For the fourth year in a row...
Man 'critical' after RV falls on him ...
Arm Yourself with Qualified RV Buying Information, Before you Buy Your RV! ....
What is Tow Vehicle Capacity ?
Mark Says:
As defined by Wikipedia: "Towing capacity is a measure describing the upper limit to the weight of a trailer a vehicle can tow. In the United States, towing capacity is expressed in pounds, while other countries express the limit in kilograms."
If you already have the vehicle that you plan to tow with, you need to find a trailer that is within the weight range of your vehicle. This was a common problem I ran into during my days as an RV Sales Manager. Customers would come in to purchase a travel trailer only to find out that their tow vehicle did not have a very good tow rating. It can be extremely frustrating to go out and find the perfect travel trailer or fifth wheel and then be told that you can’t tow it. On the other hand it can be worse if you go to a less reputable RV dealer and the sales person tells you that you can tow it! This happens every day, and this is why you need to be armed with the right information before you buy.
It is not my intention to upset any RV dealers, but if you go to a dealership and they don’t ask you for information about the tow vehicle it would be wise to go elsewhere. The first question my salespeople were required to ask was if you already had a tow vehicle. If so, they would look in our towing book and identify the tow capacity for your vehicle. Then we would tell you what options you had. We lost many sales because the customer could not safely pull the camper they wanted, but we did not allow them to jeopardize themselves or their family.
If you don’t already have the tow vehicle, it’s a good idea to find the camper you want first and then buy a vehicle that is capable of safely towing it. I will caution you again, be careful if you listen to the salesperson at the car dealership. They are only interested in selling you a vehicle, and a large percentage of them do not understand vehicle tow ratings. Call a reputable RV dealer and ask them to check the vehicles tow rating before you buy it.
Published by RV Education 101 - 2007..108 pages
Owning an RV is meant to be fun. Making the wrong buying decisions can make it miserable rather than fun. If you follow the steps in this RV buying guide you will be on your way to an enjoyable RV ownership experience for years to come. Learn More
Insiders Guide to Buying an RV
This version is an INSTANT Electronic E-BOOK
RV Buyers Survival Guide
Another good RV buying resource delivered as an E-BOOK

The name of this free DVD is The RV Orientation. The RV Orientation is 54 minutes long and it’s packed with information on topics like campground setup, the LP gas system, water system, electrical system and much more. We even added a bonus chapter on RV safety features and some bloopers to make it more entertaining.This DVD retails for 24.95 plus $5.95 shipping and handling, but it’s yours for FREE. Only for a limited time.
Pet E.R. Guide -Printed Book By: Melinda Lord
Published by Trailer Life Books-
Do you travel with pets? If so this book is a MUST have. RV Education 101 Endorses this directory of 24-Hour and After-Hour
veterinary facilities in the United States. It was written by a good friend of ours. Mark and Dawn Polk HIGHLY recommend this Guide.
We had to use it on an RV trip in the mountains. Buck our Terrier had a really bad cough and was not able to rest at all. We found a Pet clinic in the directory and had him there within the hour. Buck was diagnosed with Trachial Bronchitis and given antibiotics and cough medicine. The trip was saved and Buck was very grateful! Learn More
Pedata RV Center Looking Forward to Offering Hybrids to RV Consumers ...
RV sales may fuel optimism for industry...
Children home-schooled aboard RV...
**RV Education 101 E-book! Library, Economical Instant RV Knowledge
The following electronic files will be available for you to downloaded immediately after purchase and are delivered in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.You can read it on your computer or print it for reading later. You can also save this instant download to a memory stick or disc and take it to Staples, Office Max or Kinkos to have it printed and/or spiral bound. .*It is a copyright violation to share these files with anyone other than the purchaser.
THE RV BOOK now available as an ebook
RV Checklists, the Original, is our NUMBER 1 SELLER!
THE RV INSURANCE CORNER: Learning About RV Insurance
Prevost and other Bus Conversion Insurance Prevost insurance and other bus conversion insurance is a specialty of Explorer RV Insurance Agency, Inc. We feel that we uniquely understand how to properly insure and value bus conversions, and we possess a great deal of experience with these units. Explorer RV Insurance Agency, Inc. is the insurance agency exclusively endorsed by both Prevost-Stuff.com and the Prevost Owners Group. Please note that bus conversions must be professionally converted to qualify for our specialty RV insurance programs.
Bathroom do's and don'ts
Also, get lots of great tips from Peggi's instant download e-book RV Packing Tips,
Coach Care RV Service Centers Have some spare time on your hands? Do a play & learn RV Crossword Puzzle! Newsletter Archives:
RV Q & A by Mark Polk *NOTE: At Mark's discretion, material might be edited to suit a wide audience. Due to the large volume of material and correspondence we receive, individual replies might not be possible, nor can we acknowledge receipt of submitted material. Selected questions will be answered in future issues of our RV Education 101 newsletter and on our site. Thank-you for your understanding.
Insider's Guide to Buying an RV
RV Buyers Survival Guide
Deep Cycle Battery Care and Maintenance
RV Awning Use and Care
RV Campground Basics!
RV Safety Features, Tips and Tricks
The Three Primary Systems of an RV
Dinghy Towing
Trailer Towing: What to Know Before You Tow
Pop-Up Basics 101
RV Care and Maintenance
A Collection of RV Tips
RV Education 101 feels that prevention is the best protection. We would like to help educate you about insurance claims and bring awareness regarding subjects that you may never have considered.Brought to you by Explorer Insurance Agency
by Peggi McDonald, Author of RV Living in the 21st
Traveling with a convenient 'little room' on board is
one of the pluses of RVing. You know your unit is clean
to your standards and on trips between Point A and B
you don't have to spend time searching for a potty place.
With minimal care your facilities will provide years of service.
• Paper should 'float' before flushing. If not, paper jams in
and around the seal forcing the trap open. Water will not
stay in the bowl and odors enter your RV.
• Formaldehyde chemicals are not kind to most septic systems.
It destroys the good bacteria required to break up waste. The
more friendly solutions — enzyme/bacteria base formulas help
liquefy tank contents.
• It is okay to leave your gray valve open when camped but
NEVER leave your black tank open. Liquids drain away and
solids collect. Close the gray tank the night before you leave,
take your showers and then drain the black tank first followed
by the gray.
• Never empty your black tank if it is less than half full — add
water if necessary. The simple volume will ensure a clean rinse.
• With chemicals, any biodegradable toilet paper will dissolve
in your black tank.
This book is for the new or experienced RVer. There are
so many tips from “how to” subjects as well as practical advice on "what to do"
when you have medical problems on the road, and how to choose an emergency
roadside service. The security tips for your house while you are away and health
& safety tips are just a couple of subjects out of many that are invaluable
and give you peace of mind! There is so much information we couldn't possibly
list it all. RV Education 101 highly recommends this book: RV
Living in the 21st Century
To read past issues of the RV Education 101 newsletter, go to our newsletter archives
Q.1. Mark, we have our first class A motorhome (4 months now) and are not going to use it in the winter. What are some things I should do to winterize it and come Spring is there something I should do? Thanks
Q.2. We go snowmobiling in Maine with my toy hauler. This year I have a new travel trailer. This is the first trailer I've had with slide outs! Last year I had a Gear Box with no slide outs and we got lots of snow! My question is about snow on the slide out roof when it's time to pull them back in?
Q.3. Hi, I saw an article you wrote on a site about roof care. we have a 1989 5th wheel trailer, how do we know what type of roof it is??? We have no books on the camper..........my husband looked up there and said there is some cracks, he just doesn't know how to fix them.
Also, this past weekend, he opened the door to the fridge and was overcome by gas...........we are assuming its freon...........we only use this once a year to go to the fair.......when we went this year, the fridge wouldn't turn on when plugged in....someone we know hooked it up to the gas tanks in back and it worked fine............we brought it home and plugged it in electrically and it was working then this gas started to leak, he has opened both fridge and freezer to air it out. Now he is going to remove the fridge as we bought a new small one at walmart to just plug into the outlet.... can he safely remove this fridge if the gas has all escaped....... thanks for any help you can render..........I am going to sign up on your site to get the newsletter, I think it may help us out.
Click Here to Read Mark's Answers to RV Q&A by MarkDon't Leave Home without ordering these great products from RV Education 101
Bargain RoomGREAT DEALS!Learn to make the right choice when buying an RV in a 50-minute DVD from RV Travel and the Better Business Bureau: Buying a Recreational Vehicle DVD
with these Deeply Discounted DVD Value Sets!
Travel Trailer / 5th Wheel 10 DVD Bargain Set A $244.50 Value, for $155.00
Class A 11 DVD Bargain Set A $270.45 Value, for $169.00
Class C 11 DVD Bargain Set A $270.45 Value, for $169.00
Marks Recommended 10 minute RV Essential Items DVD.Our training videos have helped tens of thousands of RVers over the years; but we realized that even though we were showing you how to use your RV we weren't telling you what you would want or need to take with you to make your RV experiences more enjoyable. Length - 10 min. 30 sec.
The Fifth Wheel Bible Book
Learning, buying, towing or camping: If you have an interest in fifth wheel travel trailers, you need this book.
Pop Up 101 DVD
Make your camping experience simple, easy and safe "Currently owners of a 1980's model pop up, we watched the Pop Up 101 DVD as Mark took us step by step through the pop up from making sure you haven't overloaded it which can be dangerous, to backing it in at the campground, and how to hook everything up. He includes do's and dont's that not everyone may realize are important. Mark does not speak over your head, he speaks in everyday, easy to understand language. He speaks slowly, but not too slowly making it easy to follow him and repeats a few things in a variety of ways to help the viewer completely understand. Watching the video, it seems as though he is a neighbor, friend, or family member with RVing experience who has come along with you for your first trip in the pop up. -Jason & Michelle Faust..ecampsite.com
General and Unsubscribe Info
About us:
Our goal with this monthly newsletter is to provide you with helpful information to make all of your RV experiences more enjoyable. I left my position as an RV Sales and F&I manager in 2000 to start my own company, RV Education 101. We produce educational videos, DVDs and e-books on how to use and maintain your RV. The reason I left my job was due to my concern about the lack of educational and safety awareness material available to the RV consumer, in other words, you. We are a small company. My wife Dawn left her position in RV sales to help start the company and is our Sales and Marketing Director. We currently have a 35-foot Class A motor home. We have two boys, Tyler 12 and Josh 18, both avid RVers and two dogs, Gracie and Buck. Gracie is the good one. If you would like to learn more about us and RV Education 101 feel free to visit our website> www.rveducation101.com
RV Education 101 Newsletter © Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Mark J. Polk, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder(s). All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. Advertisers are solely responsible for ad content.
To contact us with feedback or questions, email to: info@rveducation101.com
To subscribe, please email http://rveducation101.com/email/
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RV Education 101 Newsletter is an opt-in ezine available by subscription only. We neither use nor endorse the use of spam. Your email address will ONLY be used to distribute this newsletter and will NEVER be sold or given to any other entity!!
Happy Camping,
Mark & Dawn
RV Education 101
3969 Stedman Cedar Creek Road
Fayetteville, NC
Copyright 2009 by RV Education 101