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Full-time RVer Protection

  • Wednesday, July 16 2008 @ 03:49 pm UTC
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RV News and Stories

In its November 8, 2007 issue, Time Magazine reported that there are over 400,000 full-time RVers in the United States.

Brought to you by Explorer Insurance Agency

In its November 8, 2007 issue, Time Magazine reported that there are over 400,000 full-time RVers in the United States. Although many of these full-timers inhabit their RVs all twelve months of the year, most insurance companies view five or six months of usage as full-time usage.

When one decides to permanently hit the road to experience all of America, one opens gaps in insurance coverage, especially when one is no longer a homeowner. This is another reason specialty RV insurance is needed. Explorer Insurance Agency offers specialty RV policies for full-timers that provide coverages that fill those gaps.

Full-timers personal liability is most important in full-timer protection. When one is a homeowner, personal liability is covered under a homeowner’s insurance policy. This protects the insured when losses occur for which they are legally responsible. When one sells their home and becomes a full-timer, the personal liability coverage is lost leaving the full-timer unprotected. Full-timers personal liability fills that gap by offering liability protection wherever the insured’s travels take them in the U.S. This is also a required coverage by most specialty insurance companies when usage exceeds five months per year.

Full-timers medical payment coverage is an option that is based on another homeowner’s insurance policy coverage. On a homeowner’s insurance policy, medical payment coverage provides coverage for the homeowner’s medical bills incurred as the result of an accident in the home. Again, when one becomes a full-timer, this protection may be lost. Full-timers medical payment fills this gap by offering coverage for medical bills incurred when the parked RV is being used as a residence.

Scheduled Valuable Personal Property coverage is another option that fills another gap. On a homeowner’s insurance policy, an insured is able to schedule valuable personal items such as jewelry, antiques, and stamp collections. Full-timers may wish to take such items with them on the road but without a homeowner’s policy can’t protect them. Scheduled Valuable Personal Property will cover up to $99,000 for any item, collection, or group of similar items the insured wishes to protect.

Secured storage personal effects coverage is another option that every full-timer should consider. When one sells their home, not all their personal effects that they accumulated over the years can fit into their RV, even if it is forty-five feet long. Most people store their personal effects in secured storage facilities, but they don’t know that the items are not covered in the event of theft or fire. Secured storage personal effects coverage will cover up to $99,000 worth of personal effects in storage.

Full-time RV’ing offers a great feeling of personal freedom. Many jobs also offer the freedom to employees to work virtually, which has also spawned some growth in the number of active full-timers. During this exciting time, one should have the sense of security that they are protected. We at Explorer Insurance Agency firmly believe that the full-timer protection that a specialty RV policy provides is the best way to ensure that the sense of security enhances the feeling of freedom.

Your RV insurance can and should fit your RV. To get a free RV insurance quote with absolutely no obligation from Explorer RV Insurance Agency, Inc. call 1-888-774-6778. http://www.explorerrv.com

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