RV Friendly Program Needs Your Support — Submit Your Comments
- Wednesday, April 02 2008 @ 09:23 pm UTC
- Contributed by: RVED101

FMCA encourages you to submit comments opposing the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) proposed changes to the RV Friendly program.
FMCA encourages you to submit comments opposing the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) proposed changes to the RV Friendly program.
FHWA has approved the RV Friendly program for inclusion in the 2008 revision of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. That means RV signage will become a permanent part of the manual and all 50 states can then offer the optional use of the RV Friendly symbol.
But the FHWA issued a proposed rulemaking that contains significant changes, in the symbol’s design and placement, relative to the current program that received interim approval in September 2005.
FMCA urges FHWA, in its final rulemaking, to use the same RV Friendly signage requirements and language expressed in the 2005 interim approval. To that effect, FMCA is providing sample comments for you to copy or adapt and submit to FHWA.
Please take a moment to submit your comments. In doing so, you will be promoting the consistent, widespread use of the existing RV Friendly program as adopted in 2005.
Read FMCA's sample comments and then submit your comments to FHWA.
Or, go directly to the Public Comment and Submission Form Read FMCA's sample comments