My RV Kitchen and Favorite Recipes
- Wednesday, February 20 2008 @ 11:15 pm UTC
- Contributed by: RVED101

If you intend to use your RV kitchen, read this book!
RV Kitchen
*Selecting an RV kitchen that satisfies your needs.
*Equipping and furnishing your RV kitchen.
*Lists of RV pantry and refrigerator staples.
*Grocery shopping on the road.
*Understanding the RV's refrigerator.
*Cooking with the microwave/convection oven.
*RV cooking timesavers.
Favorite Recipes
*Over 100 favorite recipes.
*Including 50 "Quick and Easy" recipes.
*And 70 helpful hints and tips.
Vicki Kieva and her husband, Joe, are avid RV travelers. They have been presenting RV lifestyle seminars around the country and writing about RVs and RVing since 1992.
In this book, Vicki tells what she looks for when selecting an RV kitchen. She suggests how to equip and stock the RV kitchen, and provides tips for on-the-road grocery shopping.
The book also includes her favorite recipes. And, while none of them are RV specific, most of them can be easily prepared in an RV. Vicki has also identified a large number of the recipes as "quick and easy" … which should appeal to the RVing cook.