GREAT RV CHRISTMAS GIFTS or Stocking Stuffers!!!
- Thursday, December 06 2007 @ 06:32 pm UTC
- Contributed by: RVED101

GREAT RV CHRISTMAS GIFTS or Stocking Stuffers!!!!
Our 4, 6 and 10 DVD box sets are on sale for the Christmas holiday season thru 20 December.
NOTE: Make sure you order by 15 December if you want it in time for Christmas!!!! These DVD sets make a great stocking stuffer for your favorite RVer. The 4 DVD box set is on sale for $59.95 (regular $69.95) and the 6 DVD box set is on sale for $89.95 (regular $99.95). The 10 DVD box set is on sale for $149.00 (regular $155.00 valued at $244.50) so hurry now for some great RV Education at a great price!