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RV Education 101 December 2007 Newsletter

  • Wednesday, December 05 2007 @ 12:49 pm UTC
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RV News and Stories

The RV Education 101 Newsletter
Learning RV's the Easy Way by Video

Volume 46 - December 2007

To ensure future delivery of the RV Education 101 monthly newsletter to your inbox (not bulk or junk folders) please add our "From" address RVEducation101@RVEducation101.com to your address book or e-mail whitelist.

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Kampgrounds of America (KOA)
proudly sponsor and are happy to endorse
RV Education 101, the leaders in the RV education arena.

Explorer RV Insurance Agency also
Proudly Endorses & Sponsors RV Education 101

Want your RV Education 101 Videos INSTANTLY?...RVDownloads.com
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GREAT RV CHRISTMAS GIFTS or Stocking Stuffers!!!!

Our 4, 6 and 10 DVD box sets are on sale for the Christmas holiday season thru 20 December.
NOTE: Make sure you order by 15 December if you want it in time for Christmas!!!! These DVD sets make a great stocking stuffer for your favorite RVer. The 4 DVD box set is on sale for $59.95 (regular $69.95) and the 6 DVD box set is on sale for $89.95 (regular $99.95). The 10 DVD box set is on sale for $149.00 (regular $155.00 valued at $244.50) so hurry now for some great RV Education at a great price!

Travel Trailer / 5th Wheel Training Videos

Class A Training Videos

Class C Training Videos

"Dear Mark:
I thoroughly enjoy your videos. Especially since I can go back and see them again as a reminder. I have just done that with the Winterizing & Storing Your RV . I have only had my Coachmen Leprechaun for 3 years and prior to that a Coleman Pop-up for 30 years, so I am learning all over again. When I took delivery of our new Leprechaun, I was first intimidated with its 31'. However, once I got home with it, I watched again your Class C Rental/Owner video and knew I had ordered the right coach. Your video was a significant part of my education with my new Class C. I have ordered other titles of yours and I learn a lot from each.
Thanks for being the teacher and thanks to Dawn as well." ....

"The one real object of education is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking questions." ~ Bishop Creighton


Hi Everybody,

I hope everybody had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and we wish you a very Merry Christmas. I won't get into my thoughts on replacing Merry Christmas with happy holidays, suffice it to say MERRY CHRISTMAS.

We had a great RV trip over Thanksgiving. For the most part the temperatures were mild for the time of year. We did have one night where the thermometer plummeted to 12 degrees, but we stayed warm and cozy in the motorhome. We filled up with propane when we left on the trip and again when we returned. We used slightly over 10 gallons of propane in four nights and five days, so the furnace was definitely running.

When we returned home I decided to winterize the RV and put it in the storage mode for a couple of months. Speaking of storage, be sure and check out our new "RV Buzz" section of the newsletter to get a few tips on storing your RV batteries during the cold winter months.

There's still time to get your favorite RVer some of our DVD box sets to stuff their stocking with, and save some money at the same time. All of our box sets are on sale for Christmas and if you order by 15 December they'll get there in time, barring any unforeseen postal delays.

Travel Trailer / 5th Wheel Training Videos
Class A Training Videos
Class C Training Videos

We are already in the planning stages for some great new projects for 2008. We'll keep you posted on our progress through the newsletter, but for the rest of 2007 we plan to take it easy. My 48 Willys truck restoration project is calling me out to the garage. I need something to keep me occupied while the RV is in storage. Here's where the project is right now. I hope I can remember how everything goes back together.

Thanks again to all of you and enjoy the newsletter.
Until next month from our family to yours, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

The RV Seminar DVD 6PACK. Live seminar presentations can't always offer numerous and sometimes cumbersome visual aids to effectively get the point across. That was the thought behind our new RV video seminar series. Seminars in video format allow Mark to present valuable information, using detailed graphics. It is the perfect solution to help educate the RV consumer.

RV Buzz with Mark Polk

Have you heard the latest RV Buzzzz around town? Well, as you are aware we always include a free video tip in our monthly newsletter. This month we are introducing a new segment called RV Buzz with Mark Polk. RV Buzz is the busy bee mascot for RV Education 101. If you have viewed some of our more recent DVD titles you have already met RV Buzz. In our newsletter, RV Buzz will offer informative audio Q&A by Mark on various RV related topics. We plan to rotate between the free video tips and the RV Buzz audio tips (with a little animation) in future newsletters. Write and let me know what topics and questions you would like covered in future RV Buzz segments. I can't answer every question I get, but hopefully some of the already posted material will help. Mark@rveducation101.com

This months RV Buzz tip is: "RV Battery Storage" ...More RV storage tips can be found in our "RV Winterizing and Storing" DVD

More RV Battery information can be found in our "Deep Cycle Battery Care and Maintenance for RV's and Boats" DVD

Want to read the expanded version of this RV Buzz question?

Arm Yourself with Qualified RV Buying Information, Before you Buy Your RV! ....
Q: Hi Mark, we just started shopping for an RV and quite frankly are amazed at how many different brands there are. The more we shop the more confused we get! Can you offer any advice for a first time buyer?

Mark Says: When you are shopping at an RV dealership or RV show, find out what brands of RV’s they have to offer and how long they have carried these product lines. If a dealer has been selling a particular brand or product for a long period of time there is probably a good reason why. You want the most for your money, but you also want a manufacturer that builds a quality product and stands behind their product with a no hassle warranty. Look for manufacturers who have been building quality RV’s for a long time and dealers who have been selling these products for a long time. New manufacturers and dealerships come and go, but the reputable ones have been around for years. This is why it is important to ask questions and to physically visit the RV dealership.

**NEW!! Insider's Guide to Buying an RV -Printed Book By: Mark Polk
Published by RV Education 101 - 2007..108 pages

Mark Polk is proficient in RV repair and maintenance, and he was the Sales Manager & Finance & Insurance Manager for an RV Dealership for many years, giving him valuable insider information as an expert in the RV buying process. And when you're finally ready to go shopping for the perfect RV, there is one of Mark's valuable RV buyer's checklist included, so nothing is overlooked. You need to slowww down the RV buying process and make some educated, well informed decisions. When you purchase an RV it's easy to overlook something, forget to check something, or most importantly not be properly informed about something. Whatever the case may be, you don't realize it until after you buy it and then it's too late. Owning an RV is meant to be fun. Making the wrong buying decisions can make it miserable rather than fun. If you follow the steps in this RV buying guide you will be on your way to an enjoyable RV ownership experience for years to come. Learn More

RVING WITH MARK POLK ~ Feature Article: Mark's First Real RV Adventure on His Own

Thirty-one years ago I towed my first travel trailer. Of course at the time, like most teenagers, I thought I knew everything. I tent camped for years and had experienced camping in travel trailers and motor homes with a friend of mine and his family, but this was my first real RV adventure, out on my own. I had recently graduated from high school and was working for an RV dealership in Pennsylvania. I started out washing the campers and was soon promoted to an apprentice technician. I was always mechanically inclined and had an interest in how things worked; from age thirteen when I disassembled our perfectly good lawn mower to see how it worked, to age sixteen when I rebuilt my first VW engine..

Read the Rest of the Story

Weather Protection You Can Afford By Mark J. Polk

RV Education Crossword Puzzle
This month’s play and learn crossword puzzle is Lead Acid Batteries . Have fun, play and learn.

The biggest, baddest — and, of course, the most expensive —R.V.’s are doing well..

Smaller campers prove popular at Louisville industry trade show..

America the Beautiful: Secretary Kempthorne Champions the Great Outdoors

RVers (and Wannabes) enjoy the most exciting social community online - FREE!

Join RV Scrapbook as a registered member, absolutely FREE, and enjoy tons of fun. Create an online RV travel journal, (RV travelogue), and keep it private - or share it with the world... It's what MySpace is for teens and twenty-somethings... just for the RV community! Imagine it... Creating your own RV camping community online is simple, and our FREE membership gives you an entire world, created by YOU, to enjoy Rving - even when you're at home. For our members' protection and privacy, we do not allow un-registered guests to browse the site. We guarantee you'll love it - and you can cancel any time.....hosted by Happy Camper RV Club.

Come join in on the fun...RV Education 101 did..take a look http://www.rvscrapbook.com

Start your half-price discount camping privileges today Not already a member? Join 1/2 price camping today!

RV EDUCATED? Take the Test and see...
Brought to you by RV Education 101

When you are at home, you usually know what the weather forecast is from the newspaper, radio or television. When you travel three or four hundred miles a day in your RV the weather conditions can change several times. Many times when you stop for the night somewhere all you want to do is get some rest. The weather is the last thing on your mind. The problem with this is severe weather can occur without much warning, and if you are caught in it, it can be disastrous.

The NOAA Weather Radio, or NWR broadcast National Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts and other hazard information:

A. 24 hours a day
B. 12 hours a day
C. 18 hours a day

...To read the entire article on "RV Emergency Weather Planning 101 ", and to get the: "answers to these questions"

(Answer towards the bottom of the newsletter)

An RV Education 101 Endorsed Product:
OdorCide for tough RV odors OdorCide is the most effective odor eliminator available. It was scientifically formulated to break down even the most difficult odor molecules in the air and on fabric. OdorCide is hypoallergenic, non-staining, environmentally safe and recommended by hospitals, animal clinics and professional cleaning services. OdorCide is an excellent room freshener, smoke odor eliminator, fabric refresher, pet odor eliminator, and an odor neutralizer. OdorCide has a very mild scent which does not linger like many of the overbearing, highly perfumed sprays. OdorCide works very rapidly to remove odor on a variety of odors such as; pet odor and urine, smoke, bathroom odor, must and mold, trash odor, furniture, draperies, carpet, clothing and autos. In addition OdorCide has been found to be very effective as an odor neutralizer on odors such as; diaper pails, skunk odor, colostomy appliances and many other non-typical odors.


The 12-year campaign begins with a TV slot to air during the Super Bowl XLII pregame show in February of next year.

Keystone RV is recalling 317 model year 2007-2008. DaimlerChrysler is recalling 1,498 mode.

Forward-thinking RV rental customers stand to save big on their 2008 motorhome reservations with Cruise America

THE RV INSURANCE CORNER: Learning About RV Insurance Through Stories and Examples
RV Education 101 feels that prevention is the best protection. We would like to help educate you about insurance claims and bring awareness regarding subjects that you may never have considered.

Brought to you by Explorer Insurance Agency

Use of Credit

Most insurance companies now use credit scores in their insurance pricing. Insurance companies have data that supports the use of credit, and actually believe one’s credit score is the best predictor of their future losses. Credit usage is not allowed in all states, so it varies from state-to-state and carrier-by-carrier. Your credit score can heavily impact your insurance rates, so improving your credit score may improve the premium you pay. There is much debate about using a person’s credit rating to help determine insurance pricing.

Your RV insurance can and should fit your RV. To get a free RV insurance quote with absolutely no obligation from Explorer RV Insurance Agency, Inc. call 1-888-774-6778. http://www.explorerrv.com

Coach Care RV Service Centers

RV Buyers Survival Guide PRINTED BOOK 3rd EDITION By: Bob Randall
Published and Edited by RV Education 101 - 2007

Before you take that critical first step in buying any RV, you must read this guide. Written by a "RV Industry Insider", you’ll learn the secrets to making the perfect selection while saving more money than you ever dreamed possible! Anyone about to buy an RV armed with the information in this book stands to save thousands of dollars! Bob Randall was the sales manager for a large RV dealer. He was also the former Director of Sales for one of America’s largest RV manufacturers. In this tell-all book, he reveals how a dealer makes his money, and how low an offer a buyer can make off list price and much more..... Randall offers secret step-by-step instructions that only an RV insider could provide! The #1 rated guide for RV buyers - Over 10,000 copies sold since 2000. Learn More


RV Buyers Survival Guide
This version is an INSTANT Electronic E-BOOK

Learn More

RV Q & A by Mark Polk

*NOTE: At Mark's discretion, material might be edited to suit a wide audience. Due to the large volume of material and correspondence we receive, individual replies might not be possible, nor can we acknowledge receipt of submitted material. Selected questions will be answered in future issues of our RV Education 101 newsletter and on our site. Thank-you for your understanding.

Q.1. Mark, I stumbled on your web site and was impressed with the information. My question relates to batteries and equalization. Is equalization covered in your DVD? ....if so which one?

Q.2. I'd like to learn more about waterless batteries for RV's. Both 12 & 6 volt deep-cycle. I live in the So Calif. desert and also this summer while traveling in Utah, Montana, Idaho, & Washington State I was too frequently finding that I had to add water to my 12 volt deep cycle batteries. I need to buy new batteries and would also like to change over to the 6 volt golf cart type as I understand they give better service. What brands do you recommend? Do the 6 volt type have any advantages over the 12 volt deep cycle. Do 6 volt batteries come in a waterless format?

Q.3.Dear Mark: I thoroughly enjoy your videos. In your video Winterizing & Storing Your RV you mention removing the in-line water filter under the sink and using a by-pass hose. Does that mean that the filter can be used for more than one season? If so, do you recommend any special treatment of the filter over the winter?

Click Here to Read Mark's Answers to RV Q&A by Mark

by Peggi McDonald, Author of RV Living in the 21st Century
One aspect about fulltiming I found difficult was that I couldn't move my furniture. But I soon learned it was simple to add a fresh image. In our last two units we modified the dinette into a computer desk. In Kastle #2 a friend fabricated my computer station for us but in Kastle #3 our dealer's carpenter redesigned our dinette into my desk and added cupboards over the couch.

In Kastle #1, a local "Ma and Pa" upholstering company gave our couch and wall panels a fresh face and in all three units we removed the carpet and replaced it with various designs of vinyl covering. Our present diesel pusher (without slides) has an easy care vinyl-planking floor that resembles elegant wood -- the large 'J'-shaped sofa was replaced with two loungers on round pedestal bases.

Wallpapering RV walls is not a big challenge either. Simply add a layer of vinyl-to-vinyl glue to the wall (used for attaching borders) before applying the wet wallpaper -- more cutting may be required. If you make your RV "home," life on the road is more enjoyable.

This book is for the new or experienced RVer. There are so many tips from “how to” subjects as well as practical advice on "what to do" when you have medical problems on the road, and how to choose an emergency roadside service. The security tips for your house while you are away and health & safety tips are just a couple of subjects out of many that are invaluable and give you peace of mind! There is so much information we couldn't possibly list it all. RV Education 101 highly recommends this book: RV Living in the 21st Century

Also, get lots of great tips from Peggi's instant download e-book RV Packing Tips, E-book:


Shocking footage of an actual crime being committed! How easy it is to pull off. Please take heed and pass it along to friends, families and coworkers.

"The RV Book"
By: Mark Polk
is available at:
Camping World
and Wal-Mart in the RV/Auto section
or buy online here.....

Professional Driving Techniques for Beginners to Experienced Drivers
Drive Your Motorhome Like a Pro A book that will help people become safer, more confident drivers.

Fascinating and Little Known History
The Fifth Wheel Bible The first book dedicated to the subject.

Insider's Guide to Buying an RV Paperback book By: Mark Polk
Published by RV Education 101 - 2007

RV Buyers Survival Guide 3rd EDITION Paperback book By: Bob Randall
Published and Edited by RV Education 101 - 2007

How to Buy a Used RV
Instant Download E-book By: Les Doll

Learn to make the right choice when buying an RV in a 50-minute DVD from RV Travel and the Better Business Bureau: Buying a Recreational Vehicle DVD

ANSWER to RV Educated Quiz:

A. 24 hours a day

General and Unsubscribe Info

About us:

Our goal with this monthly newsletter is to provide you with helpful information to make all of your RV experiences more enjoyable. I left my position as an RV Sales and F&I manager in 2000 to start my own company, RV Education 101. We produce educational videos, DVDs and e-books on how to use and maintain your RV. The reason I left my job was due to my concern about the lack of educational and safety awareness material available to the RV consumer, in other words, you. We are a small company. My wife Dawn left her position in RV sales to help start the company and is our Sales and Marketing Director. We currently have a 35-foot Class A motor home. We have two boys, Tyler 11 and Josh 17, both avid RVers and two dogs, Gracie and Buck. Gracie is the good one. If you would like to learn more about us and RV Education 101 feel free to visit our website> www.rveducation101.com

RV Education 101 Newsletter © Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Mark J. Polk, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder(s). All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. Advertisers are solely responsible for ad content.

To contact us with feedback or questions, email to: info@rveducation101.com

To subscribe, please email http://rveducation101.com/email/

To unsubscribe, please email http://rveducation101.com/email/unsubscribe.asp

RV Education 101 Newsletter is an opt-in ezine available by subscription only. We neither use nor endorse the use of spam. Your email address will ONLY be used to distribute this newsletter and will NEVER be sold or given to any other entity!!

Happy Camping,

Mark & Dawn


RV Education 101
3969 Stedman Cedar Creek Road
Fayetteville, NC 28312

Copyright 2007 by RV Education 101

RV University, a site providing Recreation Vehicle safety, RV maintenance information, RV tips, RV advice and RV instruction for using and maintaining an RV by Mark Polk.
Our best selling "how to" RV walk through orientation videos and e-book titles.