RV Education 101 July Newsletter 2007
- Thursday, July 05 2007 @ 09:37 am UTC
- Contributed by: RVED101

The RV Education 101 Newsletter
Learning RV's the Easy Way by Video
Volume 41 - July 2007
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Quote of the Month
"We cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own.. ~Ben Sweetland.
Editorial by Mark
Hi Everybody,
We hope everyone had a happy fourth of July! We are in Myrtle Beach, SC at a KOA to celebrate the holiday, and to get some R&R (rest & relaxation) for a few days. I'm not sure how much rest this is when you have two boys, and there is a water park and amusement park involved. No rest for the weary! Not much rest maybe, but whenever we're in the RV it's always fun.
Speaking of the RV, many years ago I restored an old Jeep, from the ground up, to tow behind our motorhome. The uncanny thing was the people I bought it from used the Jeep for the same thing. They were a military couple, avid RVers, and the original owner's of the Jeep. They told me it was probably towed close to 100,000 miles over the years. We towed it about half as many of those miles again, since restoring it.
During the last couple of trips I noticed the front tires were wearing rapidly, and it seemed I was always replacing one of the few original parts left on the Jeep. First it was the master cylinder, then the alternator and a couple of wheel cylinders. The Jeep had served us well, but we decided to retire it from towing and replace it with a new four-door model. It's much easier for our six-foot plus teenager to get in and out of this one too.
The new Jeep required a new Blue Ox base plate to tow it. This month's video tip demonstrates what is involved to install a base plate on a vehicle for towing. Keep in mind that every vehicle application is different and Blue Ox recommends that a Blue Ox dealer install the base plate for you.
How many of you are familiar with Corporate Average Fuel Economy, or CAFE standards? This standard was created in 1975 in an attempt to reduce our demand and consumption of foreign oil by setting minimum levels of fuel efficiency for vehicles. The United States Congress is considering new increases to CAFE standards, to between 35 & 40 miles per gallon. Increases like this could significantly reduce the towing capacity of trucks and SUV's that tow RV's and the carrying capacity of motorhome chassis; or worse yet eliminate the availability of trucks and SUV's that can tow RV's. Now don't get me wrong, saving fuel, improving fuel economy and lessening our dependability on foreign oil are commendable goals to strive for, but in my opinion there will always be a need for medium duty and heavy duty trucks (not just to tow RV's).
The Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association, RVDA has joined several supporters of outdoor recreation to oppose any new CAFE standards. It is important that we RVers do our part in preserving outdoor recreation, as it pertains to towing capability, whether it is for RV's, boats, horse trailers or any other form of outdoor recreation.
(Excerpt from Indiana RV Lifestyle June Newsletter)
Both the Recreation Vehicle Alliance for Camping & Travel (RVACT) and the Sport Utility Vehicle Owners of America (SUVOA) are encouraging RV & camping enthusiasts to contact your congressmen on this issue. Both RVACT and SUVOA are supporting an amendment that would allow the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration to take towing capability into consideration when establishing fuel economy regulations. This amendment is known as the Levin-Bond Amendment or the Pryor-Bond-Levin-Voinovich Amendment. Both RVACT (www.RVACT.com) and SUVOA (ww.SUVOA.com) web sites provide ways to contact Congress, either by signing a petition or through a sample form letter. Do your part and contact your representative today! Read the full article....
Last but certainly not least we listened to our reader's again. I have received numerous e-mails and requests for more information on RV safety. We just completed a new DVD in our RV Education 101 Seminar Series titled "RV Safety Features, Tips & Tricks." If you have questions and concerns about LP gas, water, & electrical safety, RV fire safety, or carbon monoxide safety this DVD has the answers you are looking for. As a bonus we included chapters on emergency escape plans and RV emergency weather planning. The DVD is currently being replicated and should be available for sale in a week to ten days, but it is available now for download immediately at www.rvdownloads.com
Thanks again to all of you and enjoy the newsletter. Until next month, happy camping,
Rving With Mark Polk ~ Feature Article
Polk Questions Tow Ratings
I was watching television the other night when a Ford commercial came on. They had two competitors vehicles hooked to an 11,000 pound trailer and the guy says something along the lines of, it would take two trucks to tow an 11,000 pound trailer unless you have a Ford F-150 with a fully boxed frame. Now, because of what I do for a living this commercial advertisement immediately got my attention.
. .......Read More.. Reader comments to article....
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Consumer feedback about RV Education 101 products
I got your book "The RV Book" at WalMart the other day, and found it to be very enlightening and informative. I am getting ready to purchase my first RV and there was a lot that I thought I knew, but really didn't until I got your book. ....Thanks.
RVing with Mark Polk

Some of our monthly RV Video Tips are designed to provide basic RV information for new RVers and some of the future RV Video Tips will cover more advanced topics. If you have any ideas for future topics you can email me at Mark@rveducation101.com
This months RV video tip is: "Blue Ox Baseplate Installation"
Announcing 2 new RV Education 101 DVD releases!
A DVD in the RV Education 101 Seminar Series: A Comprehensive Process to Step-by-Step Learning
Deep Cycle Battery Care and Maintenance for RV's and Boats
Show me an RVer or boater who hasn't had problems with deep cycle batteries and I'll show you someone who hasn't been RVing or boating for very long. In most cases, problems related to deep cycle batteries are usually a result of not understanding what is involved to properly maintain and care for lead acid batteries.
*Already 2 BEST sellers!
A Tip From Mark: What Vehicles Can I Tow With Four Wheels Down?
Before you make the decision to tow a vehicle with all four wheels down you need to do your homework. There are some manufacturer approved vehicles that can be towed without any modifications to the drive-train or transmission, but there are a lot more that will require some type of modification to tow it with all four wheels on the ground. There are many factors involved such as automatic transmissions, two wheel drive vehicles, four wheel drive vehicles, the type of transfer case and more.
Most vehicles with an automatic transmission cannot be towed with all four wheels down unless it is a four wheel drive, and even then it requires a transfer case that can be shifted into neutral. Front wheel drive vehicles with manual transmissions and most four wheel drive vehicles with a manual transfer case are among the best choices for towing with all four wheels down. Even if you have a vehicle that can be towed with all four wheels down it’s quite possible that it will have towing speed and/or mileage restrictions. Towing Behind Your Motorhome DVDArm Yourself with Qualified RV Buying Information From the RV Education 101 Expert, Mark Polk....
Q.What do I need to consider when buying a used RV? Mark says.... If you decide to purchase a used RV make sure that all of the systems and appliances operate properly, and that there is no type of hidden damage that can’t easily be seen. Damage caused by water leaks can be hard to detect and extremely costly to repair. If you are not knowledgeable about RV’s you should take someone with you who is, to inspect the unit you are considering purchasing. It may be possible to hire somebody to thoroughly inspect the unit before you buy it. Most RV dealers will give you a walk through orientation of the RV and demonstrate that everything is operating properly. I recommend that you purchase an RV training video on the type of RV you are buying and view it prior to the scheduled walk through. You will have a much better understanding of how everything works and you can ask more targeted questions. RV training videos are available at http://www.rveducation101.com/
You can also print the pre-delivery inspection checklist from my how to buy e-book in chapter 6, and take it with you to assist with the walk through. BUY Mark's information packed "How to Buy an RV" e-book
NOW 56 pages: This is an instant download for only $12.95 ..cheaper than a college course! BUY
Your INSTANT DOWNLOAD RV Comparison Guide E-book NOW 2006 - 2007 edition. Are you considering buying a travel trailer, fifth wheel,
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used RV. This one of a kind electronic guide is your step-by-step road map to
the selection of a trouble free used RV.
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News From Camping World:
Technically Speaking, RV Awning Care & Accessories by Mark Polk
If you have been around the RV lifestyle for awhile, you have probably
heard horror stories about RV awning mishaps. There was the camper who
didn't lower one end of the awning to allow for water run-off and the
weight of the water during a steady rain tore the fabric from the side
of the RV. There was the camper who left the awning out while he headed
to the beach for a couple of hours. Upon returning to the campsite, he
discovered the awning hardware and fabric were on top of the RV, due to
a strong gust of wind during a sudden storm. Then there was the camper
(in this case, me) who was driving down the Interstate and the awning
tried to unfurl as we were traveling. In my own defense, my mishap was
due to a defective awning lock on our RV, which was new at the time.Read the entire article.
RV Education Crossword Puzzle
This month’s play and learn crossword puzzle is RV Roof Care & Maintenance . Have fun, play and learn.
RV EDUCATED? Take the Test and see...
Brought to you by RV Education 101
To improve you RV refrigerators efficiency when it is hot outside you should…
1. Park the RV in the shade T or F
2. Install a refrigerator vent fan T or F
3. Only use the refrigerator in the AC mode T or F
4. Limit the number of times you open the refrigerator door T or F
(Answer towards the bottom of the newsletter)
Q & A by Mark Polk
*NOTE: At Mark's discretion, material might be edited to suit a wide audience. Due to the large volume of material and correspondence we receive, individual replies might not be possible, nor can we acknowledge receipt of submitted material. Selected questions will be answered in future issues of our RV Education 101 newsletter and on our site. Thank-you for your understanding.
Q. I need some help regarding a motorhome towing a dinghy. We have a 38'Cruise Air, diesel engine and a 2002 Jeep Liberty. My husband and I are trying to settle a difference in opinion. Basically, he doesn't want to tow a vehicle behind our motorhome because he says it's too expensive. We're traveling around the country and will probably do about 11,000 miles. I don't want to be without a vehicle so we can take side trips, go to the store or whatever. Please help so we can settle this. Thanks if for any wisdom you may share with us.
Mark Says: There is some cost involved initially. You will need to determine the type of vehicle you will be towing and whether it can be towed with all four wheels down or will you need to use a tow dolly. To tow with all four wheels down the vehicle may require some modifications to the drive train which can be a bit costly. Then there is the tow bar, the vehicle base plate and the supplemental braking system. Although there is this initial cost, in my opinion it is well worth it when you have a vehicle to use, especially during a long trip with the RV. As for fuel consumption you probably won't notice much difference towing or not towing.
Q. Mark, I read your article about "Brake Laws" on the web. I have a question about a pop-up trailer - my parents have a (relatively) small pop-up trailer (it has two full beds on each end and a small kitchenette in the middle). I would like to use my 2006 Subaru Forester to tow it. Are electric brakes required to *safely* tow this type of trailer with the Forester in California? I know that it's probably impossible to answer this question without knowing the pop-up camping trailer's weight, etc., so what is the rule for determining this?
Mark Says: Here is the correct link http://roadmasterinc.com/products/braking/map.html California law requires brakes if the trailer exceeds 1,500 pounds. You would need to try and have the pop up weighed. Does the pop up have brakes on it? If so you just need to get a brake controller and wiring for your vehicle.
Q. We park our RV at home, and have access to a 30-amp line; my inclination is to keep our MH plugged in continuously during nonuse with the fridge running and ready to go. Would we extend the life of the refrigerator by putting it in storage, that is, putting our selector switch to "STORAGE", thereby turning the unit off, removing all foods, and leaving the door open if we're not planning to use it for several months? Our fridge is a two-way: LPG or 120 VAC.
Mark Says: The only reason for leaving the refrigerator on would be if you use it for additional food storage when you are at home. If not, I would recommend turning it off and leaving the doors open when the RV is in storage. If you leave the RV plugged in all the time remember that the battery is being charged by the converter charger and you will have to keep an eye on the water levels in the battery too.
Q. Please end a brutal battle. How should I prepare my refrigerator for a seven month storage? Thank you.
Mark Says I don't want to get into the middle of a battle, but this is what I would do. If there is a build up in the freezer open the doors and thaw out and clean all of the water from the freezer compartment. Thoroughly clean the refrigerator compartments, prop the doors open and put some baking soda or charcoal (in an open container) in the compartments. It will be ready to go when you are. You should have the baffle and flue cleaned occasionally by an authorized repair center.
Mark Says: It sounds like a class B motorhome would suit your needs. They are smaller than most motorhomes and come equipped with generators and all of the other amenities you would need. The price range depends on whether it is new or used. It could range anywhere from $15,000 to $75,000. Here is a link that shows the different types of RV's and talks about renting an RV before you buy: http://www.gorving.com/pubs/renting_an_rv.cfm
Q. Mark, we purchased RV education 101 DVD last year for our fall trip. It was very helpful to us (beginners). Could you please suggest an air compressor or specs in order to inflate our rv tires. We get conflicting messages from retailers and are now at a loss of what to do. We have a Class C that requires 80 PSI in the rear tires and 60 PSI in the front tires. Looking at a Maxus 04-gallon (direct drive) Pancake Air Compressor. Oil-free, 4.9 CFM @ 90 PSI, 1.8 HP, 120 Volt, 14 AMPS, SCFM @40/90 PSI:6.3/4.9, Max pressure: 125PSI. The vendor stated that it would take 20 minutes to fill one tire. This seems too long. Your suggestions would be helpful. Thank you,
Mark Says The rate that a compressor can deliver a volume of air is measured in cubic feet per minute (cfm). cfm varies with atmospheric pressure. It also varies with the temperature and humidity of the air. Technically, air compressor manufacturers calculate standard cubic feet per minute (scfm) as cfm at sea level with 68 degrees F air at 36% relative humidity. Scfm ratings are given at a specific pressure (for example)3.0 scfm at 90 psi. If you reduce pressure, scfm goes up, and vice versa. The model you are looking at is 4.9 cfm @90 psi The cfm and psi ratings are important because they will determine what a compressor is capable of doing. The most important thing to determine when choosing a compressor is to make sure it can supply the amount of air and the pressure that your tires need. In your case it should perform okay. Many applications in garages and shops (like air tools) don't require 125 max psi, so they have a regulator to adjust the air. It may be necessary to increase this setting to inflate the tires.
Q. I would like to know if you could tell me where the best place to start looking for a 1987 Fleetwood Southwind Class A Motorhome Owner's Manual would be? I bought a used motorhome to see if my wife would like it to travel in when we retire in a couple of years. The previous owner did not have one with it. Please help; even if someone has one that would make me a copy of it. I'd be more than happy to pay for it. Please advise. Also, I received my RV University Diploma and Stickers. It sure looks nice on the rig. Thanks so much.
Mark Says: Fleetwood has a lot of owner manuals available, but I'm not sure how far back they go. Here is a link to try. http://fleetwoodrv.com/contact/contact_mh.aspx
by Peggi McDonald, Author of RV Living in the 21st
Recently good friend Rodney observed that if an ‘add-a-room’ was set-up to keep the cold out with plastic sides and lower vinyl walls – it could spell danger for RVers when furnace vents, water heaters, fridges and other appendages were vented thru their patio wall. Due to various floor plans, your unit may and may not have these items on the patio side. If yours does, think before you add an airtight ‘add-a-room’ – the enclosed space can easily fill with carbon monoxide fumes.
When Rod heard that a fellow camper had passed out in his enclosed ‘add-a-room’ while smoking a cigarette, he decided to share the info with me so I could add it to my ‘Diary’. This camper’s wife had the furnace going to keep warm inside – he felt comfy in his ‘add-a-room’, unfortunately it was filled with carbon monoxide.
I sent the info to LES DOLL, working RV Tech and webhost of www.rverscorner.com and to MARK POLK, President of the comprehensive RV Info site at www.rveducation101.com
Both of these techs agree with Rod and all three of us have decided that although the chance was small, this could happen to an RVers who was unaware of the danger. It was definitely worth getting the word out.
MARK RELAYED that any fuel burned, such as propane creates high levels of carbon monoxide, and of course is much worse in smaller areas, like an add-a-room. He feels there are probably warnings on the add-a-room literature but not everyone reads or heeds such warnings. Mark suggested that manufacturers should be asked to add permanent eye level warnings to the ‘add-a-rooms’
LES RELAYED the same dangers for unsuspecting RVers - Maybe only 1 in 50 RV's have ‘add-a-rooms’ and maybe only 1 in 5 have appliance vents on the awning side and maybe only 1 in 10 can be closed up tight .... that still leaves many unsuspecting people in potential danger.
LES goes on to explain that any un-vented propane appliance (the RV stove/oven, for example) should also be used with caution and never as a space-heating device. These appliances use inside air for combustion and the exhaust gasses are vented into the interior of the RV. This also is true of catalytic type heaters.
So ADD-A-ROOM USERS beware – if you have vents on the patio side of your unit, PLEASE do not make your ‘add-a-room air tight.
This book is for the new or experienced RVer. There are
so many tips from “how to” subjects as well as practical advice on "what to do"
when you have medical problems on the road, and how to choose an emergency
roadside service. The security tips for your house while you are away and health
& safety tips are just a couple of subjects out of many that are invaluable
and give you peace of mind! There is so much information we couldn't possibly
list it all. RV Education 101 highly recommends this book: RV
Living in the 21st Century
Also, get lots of great tips from Peggi's instant download e-book RV Packing Tips, E-book:
The following websites are geocoding most of the information so RVers can find the locations of these services by GPS coordinates:
http://www.roadcamping.com/ offers RVers the opportunity to search for 7000+ campgrounds by highway route, place name, county, or a visual map.
http://www.roadlibrary.com/ helps RVers search for public libraries which are the most common source for free internet access.
http://www.roadchamber.com/ was created to allow RVers to access local Chamber of Commerce. Experienced RVers know that the Chamber is often the best source for local tourism information.
http://www.roadmuseums.com/ has 10,000+ museums to search for by highway route.
http://www.road-police.com/ allows RVers to search for law enforcement locations by highway route.
The RV Insurance Corner: Learning About RV Insurance Through Stories and Examples
RV Education 101 feels that prevention is the best protection. We also feel that by adding some real life scenario's of insurance claims, we can help educate you and bring awareness regarding subjects that you may never have considered.
Use of Credit
If unsure if you are covered, you may want to check with your insurance agent to see if you have this valuable coverage. Join RV Scrapbook as a registered member, absolutely FREE, and enjoy tons of fun. Create an online RV travel journal, (RV travelogue), and keep it private - or share it with the world... It's what MySpace is for teens and twenty-somethings... just for the RV community! Imagine it... Creating your own RV camping community online is simple, and our FREE membership gives you an entire world, created by YOU, to enjoy Rving - even when you're at home. For our members' protection and privacy, we do not allow un-registered guests to browse the site. We guarantee you'll love it - and you can cancel any time.....hosted by Happy Camper RV Club. Start your half-price discount camping privileges today Not already a member? Join 1/2 price camping today! Brought to you by Explorer Insurance Agency
Most insurance companies now use credit scores in their insurance pricing. Insurance companies have data that supports the use of credit, and actually believe one’s credit score is the best predictor of their future losses. Credit usage is not allowed in all states, so it varies from state-to-state and carrier-by-carrier. Your credit score can heavily impact your insurance rates, so improving your credit score may improve the premium you pay. There is much debate about using a person’s credit rating to help determine insurance pricing. The read an article in Reactions Magazine, listing both sides of the debate on the use of credit in insurance pricing
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ANSWERs to RV Educated Quiz: 1T, 2T, 3F, 4T RV Advice, get some quick tips to make your RV experiences more enjoyable The new RV Hall of Fame museum makes for a great trip for the avid RVer
General and Unsubscribe Info
About us:
Our goal with this monthly newsletter is to provide you with helpful
information to make all of your RV experiences more enjoyable. I left my
position as an RV Sales and F&I manager in 2000 to start my own company, RV
Education 101. We produce educational videos, DVDs and e-books on how to use and
maintain your RV. The reason I left my job was due to my concern about the lack
of educational and safety awareness material available to the RV consumer, in
other words, you. We are a small company. My wife Dawn left her position in RV
sales to help start the company and is our Sales and Marketing Director. We
currently have a 35-foot Class A motor home. We have two boys, Tyler 10 and Josh 16, both avid RVers and two dogs, Gracie and Buck. Gracie is the good one. If
you would like to learn more about us and RV Education 101 feel free to visit
our website>
RV Education 101 Newsletter © Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006,
2007 Mark J. Polk, except where indicated otherwise. All rights
reserved worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder(s). All
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other entity!! Happy Camping, Mark & Dawn RV Education 101
For those Holding Tank Odors, use Oxy KEM
Rest Areas and Welcome Centers by William C. Herow
Campground Cooking is also sold as an e-book $12.95
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