Contributed by: RVED101 on Friday, December 08 2006 @ 02:00 pm UTC
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Feedback from a reader..... Re: Discovery Express Fall 2006, RV Education 101: RV Holding Tank Tips
By: Mark Polk
In your article, you state, "it is absolutely essential that we use septic-safe chemicals (no formaldehyde),". Mary Barrows, Thetford Manager of Chemical Development (and other qualified engineers) disagree with your statement. Concerning formaldehyde holding tank deodorants Mary says they are "100% biodegradable and readily treatable by sanitation facilities - more so than even some non-formaldehyde products." I believe you may be guilty of passing along an old wives tale that has been going around campgrounds for years and that you should correct your advice on formaldehyde use in sanitation facilities. Thanks for all the help you've rendered.
Lots of people have the same thoughts as you towards formaldehyde based chemicals. It may be more of a personal preference or opinion of mine but I can assure you it's not an old wives tale that I'm guilty of passing around.
1) On Thetford's website it states that it is environmentally safe if properly disposed of. What does this mean?? Is there a special way to dispose of this type chemical as opposed to other types of chemicals.
2) Thetford's site also posts a warning that reads: WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer. I've never seen this warning on non-formaldehyde based chemicals.
3) The only thing formaldehyde chemicals do better than enzyme based chemicals is control odors. If you purchase an RV 360 for 20 bucks your odor problems are over.
4) I also find it interesting that they offer Supreme Green product for those that prefer a non-formaldehyde chemical. This one states that it offers superior waste digestion. I didn't read that on the formaldehyde product.
It may just be my opinion, I am certainly not a qualified engineer, but I don't want my children or pets around products with formaldehyde. And I still am certain that it does damage septic systems because of the high concentration of chemicals versus the amount of water. Mary Barrows can use it in her RV but I don't recommend it and will continue to state my opinion on this subject.
Happy Camping,
Mark Polk