Contributed by: RVED101 on Sunday, August 20 2006 @ 08:06 pm UTC
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The RV
Education 101 Newsletter
Learning RV's the Easy Way by
Volume 30 - August
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Quote of the Month
When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses. ~Joyce Brothers
Editorial by Mark
Hello Again Everybody, You can probably tell, by how late the newsletter is that July was another very busy month for us. I finished my new E-book, titled RV Campground Basics. I had five RV industry insiders review the e-book and four had very favorable comments about it. Kind of like four out of five dentists recommend Crest toothpaste for whiter teeth. If you would like more information about my new e-book it's available on our web site. I am currently working on a DVD with the same title.
In the middle of July we were contacted by Nancy Glass, host of the popular HGTV / XM Satellite Radio show. She features book authors from around the country and thought it would be interesting to do an interview on RV basics. They liked how the first interview went and decided to do a second interview. The interviews will air in a couple of months and we will include a link in our newsletter if you would like to listen to them.
Towards the end of July we headed out on an RV trip to Niagara Falls. When we got to Pennsylvania we received a phone call from Dawn's family with the sad news that her 93 year old great Aunt Lorrayne passed away. We had just visited her in June and it was very difficult news to accept. Aunt Lorrayne was a very important part of Dawn, and her entire family's life. We headed back to North Carolina to check on the house and left for Colorado the next afternoon. I had all the flying I could take when I was in the military, so we took the motorhome back to Colorado.
During our time in Colorado, I met some of Dawns family members I never had the opportunity to meet before; including her cousin Cassandra Peterson who many of you know as Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.[*3]
From left: Cassandra, Dawn and Tane (Dawn's sister).
We came back home just in time to attend this years FMCA convention at Lowe's Motor Speedway in Concord North Carolina. There we met up with our friend John Holod, with RV Adventure Videos, to help him with his seminar on Alaska RV adventures. It was fun looking at some of the million dollar motorhomes on display at the show too.
By the first week of August we pushed the odometer reading on the Bounder to 11,800 miles, since the first week of May. During this last 4,700 mile trip we had another friend along with us. It was Tool Happy. Tool Happy and other happies are traveling staff members from the Happy Camper Half Price Camping Club. Happies like to get away from the office and go with people on their RV adventures. You can follow along with all of their journeys at[*4]
Now it’s time to park the motorhome for a little while (well, I guess Labor Day is soon..) and get caught up on some work.
Feature Article by Mark
An Excerpt from my new RV Campground Basics E-book
Campground Ratings
I mentioned earlier that there are over 14,000 places to go camping in your RV. We have a pretty good idea of what we can expect at the public camp sites in our national parks and national forests, state parks and state forests, army corps of engineer projects and bureau of land management areas, but what about all of the private campgrounds out there?
We have actually pulled into some campgrounds when we were traveling and made a quick U turn and left. It was easy to see at a glance that these campgrounds were not someplace you would want to spend the night, not to mention several days, or weeks. Even if you research the campgrounds website, or some of the campground directories, before leaving on a trip there is no guarantee that it will be a safe, clean quality campground. So what can we do to know in advance that the campground you are planning to stay at offers a clean, safe environment for you and your family?
There are several large, reputable organizations like AAA, Wheelers RV Resort & Campground Guide, Woodall’s and Trailer Life who rate campgrounds on an annual basis. These campground ratings are based on important considerations like the campgrounds facilities and services, cleanliness, visual appeal, user experience and more. The rating systems may be slightly different, using stars or a numbered rating system, but the bottom line is where the campground stands when it comes to meeting industry standards.
Other organizations like KOA do a good job making sure all the campgrounds in their network are up to industry standards in these same categories. I have never been disappointed staying at a KOA.
So, when you're searching through campground directories and websites for that perfect place to stay, check the ratings before you make any plans. These campground rating systems can sure make you feel better about choosing a clean, safe campground to stay at. Here is a brief overview on some of the campground rating systems.
AAA Rating System
Good Sam Park Rating System
Wheelers Rating System
Woodall’s Rating System
Keep in mind the final ratings are a composite of several different areas of interest. Woodall’s rating system is more complex than most of the other rating systems. For a thorough understanding of how it works visit Woodall’s rating system [*8]
Trailer Life Rating System
The highest ratings possible are 10/10/10. For more information on the Trailer Life rating system visit Trailer Life rating system[*9]
Happy Camping,
Some of our monthly RV Video Tips are designed to provide basic RV information for new RVers and some of the future RV Video Tips will cover more advanced topics. If you have any ideas for future topics you can email me at[*10]
This months RV video tip is: Black Tank odors
New Monthly Feature RV Education Crossword Puzzle
As an added bonus to our newsletter, each month we will feature, another fun way to learn about your RV, by a Crossword Puzzle. This month’s play and learn crossword puzzle is on your RV's tires. Have fun, play and learn.
"I have completed your crossword puzzle. That was fun and fairly easy. You guys put out a good service for your customers. I wish you much luck with your business." Robert Murphy
RV users shrug off interest, gas costs...
RV Exterior Care
by Les
Doll...a working certified RV
technician & author of Dummys
Guide to Buying a Pre-loved RV
The exterior finish of your RV is continually being assaulted by the sun, the rain, the bugs and road debris. Oxidation is a natural process and will attack your new paint leaving it with a dull-looking, chalky surface. This is actually the paint itself in the process of self destruction through the action of the elements.
Wash the exterior with specially designed car washing products. Household detergents and cleaners can actually harm the surface due to the alkaline or acidic nature of these products. Apply a quality automotive wax periodically or use the cleaner and wax combination when washing your unit to provide continuing protection.
A good set of mud flaps on your tow vehicle or motor home will eliminate a great amount of the damage caused by road grit being flung back on the trailer. The brush type of splash guard that mounts to the rear bumper is also very effective when used in combination with the mud flaps. If you regularly travel on gravel surface roads then consider installing a rubberized stone guard material on the front lower portion of your trailer. It only takes a few miles of loose gravel to demolish the aluminum panels or permanently mar the fiberglass top coat.
How to inspect and evaluate a used motorhome the "PAINLESS" way
This e-guide was written by Les Doll, a working Certified RV technician, with years of RV construction and maintenance experience. In this guide you will find many little-known secrets and methods used by professional buyers to evaluate a used RV. This one of a kind electronic guide is your step-by-step road map to the selection of a trouble free used RV.
BUY NOW[*13] $14.95
RV E-Books are a great way to get the RV information you are looking for instantly, and with our newly designed shopping cart ordering the E-books you want has never been easier. Check out our RV E-book library and get the information you want right now!
Read some interesting information about planning an RV trip in Europe. And be sure to check out all of the other RV related links at the bottom of the article..RV travel in Europe[*14]
Consumer feedback about RV Education 101 products
Just writing to say thank you very very much. My husband and I recently bought a travel trailer that is permanently parked at a campground a few hours north of us, (and was previously there for many years). We love the camper and the site it's at, but we are not in any way shape or form knowledgeable about RV's, travel trailer, etc. When we bought the travel trailer, (that does not travel any more), we got maybe a one hour course on the care and use of the trailer, and as you might guess, we remembered some, and forgot alot about what was told to us by the seller. Since it's a stationary trailer, we figured out most things, but our biggest problem was with the sewage and septic system. Since our trailer is permanently parked, we are hooked up to a private septic system. We did not at all understand how to use and maintain this type of setup. I've been looking for weeks on the Internet to find out how to use and care for a permanent drainage system on a trailer and your article was the first and only one I found which explained in detail what we should and should not do.
Thank you again for your information. I will frequent your website and also recommend it to anyone and everyone I know.....Cathy T, Amherst, WI
RV Changes Coming to Diesel Pickups [*16]
Changes in diesel emissions may affect the trucks performance.
Are you planning an RV trip to Canada or Alaska? Or maybe the Northeast coast or Southeast coast? Regardless of where your plans take you be sure and check out our RV Travel Videos/DVDs [*17] before you go. With over 30 travel videos to choose from there is bound to be one or more that can help you plan your perfect trip.
by Peggi McDonald, Author of RV Living in the 21st Century
Storage Tips this month are from my new RV Packing Tips, E-book:
RV TIPS: Removing items from shelves and walls before changing destinations is a pain. However, if you place a small amount of window caulking putty (called strip seal or fingertip caulking - from hardware stores) on the bottom of objects, nothing moves or falls from display position between destinations. When this putty is applied to the corners of picture frames or other wall hangings, it prevents them from swinging side-to-side.
Peggi has taken the best of her internationally-acclaimed first book and has revamped and updated it to reflect the changing technology and rules in post-9/11 North America. This book is for the new or experienced RVer. There are so many tips from “how to” subjects as well as practical advice on "what to do" when you have medical problems on the road, and how to choose an emergency roadside service. The security tips for your house while you are away and health & safety tips are just a couple of subjects out of many that are invaluable and give you peace of mind! There is so much information we couldn't possibly list it all. RV Education 101 highly recommends this book: RV Living in the 21st Century[*18]
RV Education 101 Bargain Room Check out our new Bargain Room for great deals and big savings. We packaged several different VHS & DVD products together and discounted the price for you. Save up to 48% on some of these package deals!
Read News from Camping World by Mark..Great View & Shade Too[*20]
Happy Camper Half Price Camping Club
Join us at our new fun,
FREE blog site - designed to give the RV community a place to share stories and
pictures of their trips.Help us fill the site with wonderful stories about RVing
- YOUR trips, YOUR words, and YOUR pictures. The site is syndicated for
publication on radio, in magazines, and online - so you may even get your
stories published!
Start your half-price discount camping privileges today:
Not already a member? Join 1/2 price camping today at[*22]
Hose Buddy [*23]
Emptying your wastewater holding tanks is one of those jobs that needs to be done, but we really don't enjoy doing. Sort of like cutting the grass each week. I don't know about you but whenever I empty the holding tanks there is always a little anxiety about the what ifs! What if the hose isn't connected securely to the dump outlet? What if the sewer hose fitting comes out of the dump receptacle when you open the valve handle?
If you look around at the campground you'll see RVers using all kinds of things to add weight to the sewer hose fitting so it doesn't pop out of the dump receptacle. They use rocks, pieces of wood, tie down straps and everything in between. Lots of times I'll have my son put his foot on the 90 degree fitting to prevent it from coming out of the receptacle when I empty the tanks.
While I was working on the newsletter a package arrived in the mail from Jerry Kochanski. He read my article on RV dump stations and sent me two of his Hose Buddy products. The Hose Buddy takes the worry out of the sewer hose connector coming out of the sewer receptacle when you empty the tanks. I was very impressed with the design, features and price and wanted to include his website so everybody could check it out. I know it will make me feel much better every time I pull the handle to empty the black water holding tank.
Hot! RV DVD Value Packs Hot!
We just made it easier for you to learn about YOUR RV! We took our individual Travel Trailer and Motorhome DVD titles and put them in sets with other titles from our library that apply. There are three value packs to choose from and each value pack includes four RV training DVD's, which equates to almost three hours of one-on-one RV instruction. Not only does this eliminate the guess work as to which DVDs should go together, but you also SAVE a significant amount of money with the value set discount. After watching this complete RV DVD value set by RV expert Mark Polk, you will master your own RV experiences. Another great thing is this only counts as one item, so you only pay $4.95 for S/H!
The 3 value sets currently available are: Class A Motorhome, Class C Motorhome & Travel Trailer/5th Wheel. Each set includes 4 DVDs. Get your RV DVD value set today! RV Training Videos/DVDs[*15]
Motorhome and generator service[*24] Funroads, your one-stop information shop for RV service, maintenance and repair. Find motorhome service locations, RV appliance service or shop for Onan parts and manuals.
Other Popular Products at RV Education 101
Check out RV Education 101 Bargains![*19]
Buying a Recreational Vehicle DVD[*25]Campground Cooking[*26]
Also sold as an e-book $12.95[*27] Buy Now, Read Instantly
Camp Hosting USA--Your Guide to State Park Volunteering[*28] NEW!
RV Notebook Software[*29]
Good Governor 3 in 1 Digital Voltmeter[*30]
Support Your RV Lifestyle[*31]
Canine Companion Emergency Kit[*32]
Information packed, RV Education 101 instant download RV E-Books[*2]
Live Your Road Trip Dream[*33] was one of three finalists and won the Benjamin Franklin Awards - Book of the Year for Excellence and Innovation in Marketing.
What?.....You would rather watch a video than read a book? Well, you're in luck! We have videos covering all of the information you will get from the e-books at>[*34]
The RV Book[*35] by Mark J. Polk NEW in 2006!
The RV Book is your personal guide to understanding and enjoying your RV. "RV Expert" Mark Polk turns complex into easy, making your entire experiences safe, fun & stress free. RV's give us the freedom to go wherever we want, whenever we want. But, nothing will ruin a trip or a vacation quicker than not understanding how to properly use and maintain your RV.
Mark Polk, the author of The RV Book said "Buying an RV is a major investment and it can be overwhelming when just starting out. In the book I tried to touch on all aspects of RV ownership; from selecting and buying the right RV to setting it up at your favorite campground. What type of RV is right for you? How do you tow or drive an RV? How do you safely use an RV? How do you take care of your new RV? I have researched and gathered all of this information, into one place, to simplify the entire process of RV ownership. Whether you own an RV now, or you are getting ready to purchase one in the future, I know that by reading The RV Book you will feel more comfortable about using an RV."
For Pop-Ups, Travel Trailers, Motorhomes and everything in between. After 20 years of fulltime RVing, I still discovered new information while reading The RV Book. Mark's book is so well written and informative... he patiently explains each basic necessity that every RVer should be aware of to assure safe operation of their RV. -Peggi McDonald, author of RV Living in the 21st Century
Price $19.95[*36] Buy Now!
Rest Areas and Welcome Centers by William C. Herow
This is a very popular title and now it has been completely updated and revised! Quickly and easily locate rest areas, welcome centers, roadside turnouts, and scenic vistas along America's Interstate highways. Find out where these areas are and the facilities available such as restrooms, phones, picnic tables, vending machines, RV dump stations, and designated pet walk areas.
Rest Areas & Welcome Centers also includes Cracker Barrel locations and discount stores like Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, K-Mart, and Target. Easily find travel centers like AmBest Truck Stops, Flying J Travel Plazas, Love's, Petro, Pilot, and TA Travel Centers. These places welcome RVers with services such as propane, diesel fuel, restaurants, and dump stations. Some even offer free overnight parking!
Also included is state tourism contact information, a convenient list of toll-free numbers for hotels and motels across America, and an RV dump station locator. Rest Areas & Welcome Centers is a valuable resource for anyone that travels America's Interstate highways. 240 pages, a must have book for every RVer.
Select this link[*37] to view a sample chapter (Adobe Reader PDF, 184KB)
$12.95[*38] BUY NOW!
General and Unsubscribe Info
About us:
Our goal with this monthly newsletter is to provide you with helpful information to make all of your RV experiences more enjoyable. I left my position as an RV Sales and F&I manager in 2000 to start my own company, RV Education 101. We produce educational videos, DVDs and e-books on how to use and maintain your RV. The reason I left my job was due to my concern about the lack of educational and safety awareness material available to the RV consumer, in other words, you. We are a small company. My wife Dawn left her position in RV sales to help start the company and is our Sales and Marketing Director. We currently have a 35-foot Class A motor home. We have two boys, Tyler 9 and Josh 15, both avid RVers and two dogs, Gracie and Buck. Gracie is the good one. If you would like to learn more about us and RV Education 101 feel free to visit our website[*39] >[*40]
RV Education 101 Newsletter © Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 Mark J. Polk, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide. Reprint only with permission from copyright holder(s). All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. Advertisers are solely responsible for ad content.
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RV Education 101 Newsletter is an opt-in ezine available by subscription only. We neither use nor endorse the use of spam. Your email address will ONLY be used to distribute this newsletter and will NEVER be sold or given to any other entity!!
Happy Camping,
Mark & Dawn
RV Education 101
3969 Stedman Cedar Creek Road
Fayetteville, NC