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Leaving Your House Empty

  • Thursday, October 06 2005 @ 05:43 am UTC
  • Contributed by:
RV News and Stories Peggi McDonald, Author of "RV Living in the 21st Century"
Leaving Your House Empty This winter in Texas, new RVers learned a very valuable lesson the expensive way. Before they left their northern home they forgot to turn the water off. In January the pipes burst due to freezing temperatures resulting in horrendous damage to floors, the new kitchen cupboards and recently updated furniture. It had been leaking for several days before the person looking after the house made his weekly check.
Lessons learned from this experience include: Be sure someone checks your home while you are away on a frequent basis and to always turn water off at source. Leave the heat on low if possible. Other precautions to make your house look lived in is to set lights on timers. Ask a neighbor to park an extra car in your drive and to set a garbage can in your driveway on pick-up day. In the winter after a snowfall, request a neighbor make footsteps to your door. Paying someone to shovel the drive, or cut the grass in the summer adds to a lived-in look.

Tips like those above are only a few of the numerous ideas gracing the pages of the comprehensive RV LIVING IN THE 21ST CENTURY. One review stated “Peggi provides the answer before you even thought of the question”. This publication overflows with mega information. It has so much for so little: "RV Living in the 21st Century" Details


RV Education 101 is a North Carolina based Company that produces educational videos on how to use and maintain your RV.
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Mark Polk, the owner, started in the RV industry as an apprentice technician in the early 1970's. After retiring as a CW3 from the military (where Polk was an automotive maintenance technician, and was in charge of some very large maintenance operations throughout his career) in 1996, he got back into the industry he had a passion for. Polk has an extensive background in RV sales, service and management. He felt so strongly about educating the consumer that he left his position as an RV Sales Manager in 2000 to devote himself full time to his company. Mark’s program includes instructional videos and other materials to make your RVing lifestyle even easier. Mark also provides the RV Savvy segments for the RVTV program and can be seen on the Outdoor Channel. You can order Mark's complete line of RV Education 101 material from www.rveducation101.com

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RV University, a site providing Recreation Vehicle safety, RV maintenance information, RV tips, RV advice and RV instruction for using and maintaining an RV by Mark Polk.
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