RV University a "Gold Mine"
- Saturday, September 10 2005 @ 04:36 am UTC
- Contributed by: RVED101

Here's my story, maybe you can use it to help others in similar situations.
We are a small family where the parents grew up camping. The problem with that situation is that mom/dad always dealt with the 'technical' and we just had fun fun fun. We didn't care how the furnace worked on cold nights nor did we pay attention to dad's choice words at lighting various pilot lights within our home away from home. We stayed cuddled under sleeping bags while others dealt with that. We didn't want to wash anyway, so who cared if the water worked. We didn't know the water system could make us sick, nor did we care.
Then we grew up and became the parents and want the next generation to have the same experiences.
We have tent camped in everything from personal tents to 12x14 foot tents. We have employed various propane stand alone stoves and electric space heaters. Water comes from a jug. We upgraded to a very old pop-up with nothing more than bunks and a table (using our old stand alone amenities).
We are now eyeballing travel trailers and own a fairly hefty truck to tow it with. The problem is, the only campers within are expendable income range are older (think antique/quaint). These come with little/no walk around instruction and perhaps a variety of unknown 'fixes' that have occurred over the years.
By looking over your site, I have found some extremely useful information regarding water tanks etc. I hope that the videos/books will also inform me on various gas appliances, the system basics etc. We may find ourselves replacing many things in the coming months in our new found 'vacation home'. My first reaction to a travel trailer was only to care the the gas system worked for heating and cooking. By looking over your site, I am feeling more confident that we can check over/clean and handle a water system (as my first thought is that a trailer bathroom would be really nice place to set the dog kennel for sleeping arrangments for them). The dog (she weighs 4 pounds) enjoys camping as much or more as we do. I am thinking, she's going to have to sleep elsewhere as I want the ability to use the bathroom (at least late at night).
As I stated, I hope to find much of the necessary information in your publications. If there is some little thing that somebody of experience can cover more fully in the newsletter - all of us in my situation would read it over and over diligently.
Thanks in advance.
Brenda Marsteller
RV Education 101 is a North Carolina based Company that produces educational videos on how to use and maintain your RV. Mark Polk, the owner, started in the RV industry as an apprentice technician in the early 1970's. After retiring as a CW3 from the military (where Polk was an automotive maintenance technician, and was in charge of some very large maintenance operations throughout his career) in 1996, he got back into the industry he had a passion for. Polk has an extensive background in RV sales, service and management. He felt so strongly about educating the consumer that he left his position as an RV Sales Manager in 2000 to devote himself full time to his company. Mark’s program includes instructional videos and other materials to make your RVing lifestyle even easier. Mark also provides the RV Savvy segments for the RVTV program and can be seen on the Outdoor Channel. You can order Mark's complete line of RV Education 101 material from www.rveducation101.com
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