RV Tips for Traveling with Pets
- Tuesday, September 20 2005 @ 04:51 am UTC
- Contributed by: RVED101

traveling in an RV is so their pets can go with them. If you're
a pet owner new to RVing or an RVer with a new pet there are
many things to learn and consider to make traveling with your
pet a pleasant experience for both of you.... Our dogs know when we're getting ready to take a trip.
They get excited when I pull the motor home up beside the house
to check it out and load everything. Both of them are seasoned
travelers in the RV. They started traveling with us when they
were very young and they seem to enjoy visiting places other than
the back yard.
There is more to traveling with a pet then just loading their
food and water bowl and heading out. Sometimes pets and
traveling don't mix. Some pets are extremely nervous and don't
like having their daily routine disrupted. In some cases your
pet may be better off staying with a pet sitter, friend or
relative while your away. There are many other considerations,
so for those of you that travel with pets or may be considering
getting a pet, here are some tips for
traveling with pets.
We have a West Highland White Terrier (Gracie) and an Australian
Terrier (Buck). They are completely opposite of each other. One
good (Gracie), one bad (guess who). One shy (Gracie), one
aggressive (guess who). The only thing they have in common is
they both like to travel in the RV. We learned a few things about
traveling with pets the hard way when we first got them. When
Gracie was only a few months old we stopped at a campground to
spend the night. After a short walk we put her on a leash
outside the motor home. When we checked on her a while later the
leash and collar were there but she wasn't. Not sure what had
happened we started to look for her. Fortunately we found her
about three or four sites down from us visiting some other
campers. What we realized was if she would have got lost that
night there was no way for someone to identify who she belonged
When I wrote my "Checklists for RVers" e-book
I included this
checklist on traveling with pets based on what we learned and
what other people have offered.
If you travel with pets certain precautions must be taken. An RV
can get extremely hot or cold inside.
- Always make sure there is some type of ventilation and / or
heat and air.
- Always have fresh water available for your pet. Please keep
this in mind if your pet(s) will be left unattended for any
length of time.
- Pets should always travel in a pet carrier or crate. There are
many unforeseen dangers for an unsecured pet.
-Campground pet etiquette is a must. Be considerate of other
campers where your pet is concerned. Always pick up behind your
- When making reservations be sure and ask about pets.
- Get a current health certificate from your veterinarian before
- Always take the pets medical records and an updated color
photo of your pet with you.
- Update vaccinations before leaving on your trip.
- Take a proof of rabies vaccination.
- Take medications (flea, tick, heartworm etc.)
- Take your vets regular and emergency phone numbers with you.
- Food and food bowl
- Travel water bowl
- Walking leash
- Collar with identification or microchip. Along with basic
information such as your name, address and phone number.
Include travel contact information.
- Harness
- Tie out anchor and leash or chain. Give your pet plenty of
room to move but be cautious of traffic and obstacles that
they can get hung or caught on.
- Grooming tools
- Pet toys
- Treats
- Cat litter
- Cat box
- Plastic bags for pet clean up.
- Pet bedding / crate
- Old towels
- Perform a daily health check on your pet. When your pet is
away from home and off its regular schedule it can affect their
health. Watch for any signs that are out of the ordinary.
- Some campgrounds offer kennels and boarding for pets. If your
travel plans include day trips or extended travel away from the
campsite inquire about these services before making
- When you arrive at your destination look up the number of a
local vet.
- Stop for pets to streach and relieve themselves every few
Happy Camping,
Copyright © 2005, Mark J. Polk
Canine Companion
- Emergency First Aid and Travel Kit for Dogs
Everything a dog might need in an emergency whether at home or on the road. Created with a veterinarian, the kit contains 42 first-aid, health care, wound care Bandaging, and Comfort/Safety items; with easy to follow instructions written by a veterinarian specifically for each product.
RV Education 101 feels this kit is a smart necessity if you are going to travel with your dogs.
...Available in Green Bag $44.95
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RV Education 101 is a North Carolina based Company that produces educational videos on how to use and maintain your RV. Mark Polk, the owner, started in the RV industry as an apprentice technician in the early 1970's. After retiring as a CW3 from the military (where Polk was an automotive maintenance technician, and was in charge of some very large maintenance operations throughout his career) in 1996, he got back into the industry he had a passion for. Polk has an extensive background in RV sales, service and management. He felt so strongly about educating the consumer that he left his position as an RV Sales Manager in 2000 to devote himself full time to his company. Mark’s program includes instructional videos and other materials to make your RVing lifestyle even easier. Mark also provides the RV Savvy segments for the RVTV program and can be seen on the Outdoor Channel. You can order Mark's complete line of RV Education 101 material from www.rveducation101.com
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