RVTV in "HD": What is "HD"?
- Tuesday, August 09 2005 @ 12:57 am UTC
- Contributed by: RVED101

Better Color: HDTV provides vivid color, including a wide range of hues (such as subtle purples and reds) without any bleeding at the edges often seen in the standard definition image.
Finer Detail: HDTV images are as detailed as a high-resolution photograph. It is like looking through a window. When watching a TV program in HD, you will be amazed at the sharpness of the picture. You can even pick up the specks of different colors in an actor’s eyes, or see individual sweat drops on a player--details you could never see through regular television.
Wider Screen: HDTV allows you to view content in a 16:9 wide-screen format, the same format used in movie theatres. Conventional TVs use a 4:3 image, which cuts pictures off because it forces a wide image into a narrow space.
Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound: All HDTV programming can provide 5.1 channel Dolby Digital Surround Sound--just like true theatre sound.
Broaden Your Horizons with Outdoor Channel 2 HD
The Outdoor Channel already shows you nature in all of its dazzling beauty. But what if you could see those landscapes in greater detail and almost feel the water splashing? High definition television takes you there. And The Outdoor Channel takes you there with Outdoor Channel 2 HD, an all-high definition network, with all-original programming.
All of the shows are shot in high-definition, not converted from standard definition, and the attention to quality really shows on the screen. This consistency and attention to detail stretches the boundaries of the outdoor television experience.
With shows like Inside Passage, a look at the beauty of Alaska, from shoreline fishing trips to glacier hikes, or Adventures in Hawaii, showing all the outdoor adventure possibilities on the islands, programming possibilities on Outdoor Channel 2 HD are limitless. Your all-time favorites, such as Jim Zumbo Outdoors and Four Wheeler TV, look even better on Outdoor Channel 2 HD.
The true high-definition experience requires special equipment. With the state of technology today, you won’t be able to see HD programming at all on your standard definition screen. So when your old TV goes on the fritz, spend the extra money. You’ll stop watching TV and start experiencing it. You’ll virtually be able to plant yourself right in the duck blind or feel the rocking motion of the bass boat right from your couch.
An HDTV screen gives you about 10 times the resolution and detail of a standard screen. You see a wider image, encompassing the entire visual field, and you aren’t limited by the boundaries of the traditional TV screen. The digital sound is richer, too – the same standard as in a movie theater.
To truly see high definition, you need to have three things:
HD television – it can be flat-panel, LCD or plasma
A special high definition cable or satellite receiver
A package of high definition programming from your cable or satellite provider.
Call your provider today and start enjoying the picture-perfect blend of and nature in a way you’ve never seen before!
Dawn Polk
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