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RV Purchasing: Some Things to Consider by Mark J. Polk of RV Education 101

  • Monday, July 11 2005 @ 05:06 am UTC
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RV News and Stories Did you go to an RV show this year? If so, did it make you want to buy an RV or trade the one you have for something different? We are perfectly happy with our Class C motor home, but when we go to an RV show something comes over me. I start to think maybe we need something bigger, or maybe we should trade for a Class A motor home. I can't explain it, but it happens every time. Fortunately reality sets in when I consider the higher payment that comes along with the new RV!.... When you purchase an RV there are many things to consider. I wrote an article on this subject some time ago. I thought it would be helpful to include an excerpt from the article on some of the things to consider. This is just in case you go to that RV show and take the plunge into the exciting world of RVing.

Some Things to Consider:

What type of RV is best suited for you and your family?

What type of floor plan will work best for you and your family?

Do you plan to travel cross-country with the RV or is it going to be set up at one location and left there?

If you're going to be towing the RV is the tow vehicle capable of handling the weight of the RV and do you have the proper hitch work to safely tow it?

How many people will be in the RV and what are the sleeping requirements?

Is there enough seating space?

Do you need a slide out(s) for additional living space? If you get slide outs how is the RV interior affected when they are in the stored, travel position?

Is their enough outside storage, and are the storage compartments large enough to accommodate what you plan to take?

Is there enough closet, cabinet and drawer space for all of your personal belonging?

Are there enough cabinets and drawers in the kitchen? Don't forget about the pots and pans.

How much counter space does it have in the kitchen? Is it enough?

Where is the dinette table in relation to the range, oven and the refrigerator? Does it make sense?

How does the bed feel when you lay down? Is it long enough and wide enough?

Can you walk around the entire bed or is it built into the corner of the walls?

Are there windows where you want windows?

Is the refrigerator large enough?

Can you reach the microwave?

Is the A/C ducted throughout the unit? If not will it cool the entire unit?

Do you prefer a split bathroom where the shower is separate, or a bathroom where everything is together?

Can you stand up in the shower?

Is the bathroom large enough?

Can you sit on the toilet?

How much fresh water can you take with you? Is it enough?

How large are the gray water and black water holding tanks?

Are they large enough for the way you plan to use the RV?

How much LP gas does it hold? Is it enough for how you plan to use the RV?

Is the RV to big or to small for your needs?

If you want a motor home drive it before you buy it.

If you're towing a vehicle behind the motor home what are the weight limits?

What type of electrical service does the RV have, 30 Amp or 50 Amp?

Do you need a generator?

If equipped with a TV where is it located in relation to the seating arrangements?

How many TV outlets do you want?

Do you need a phone jack?

Does the RV have an awning? If so, where is it situated, does it interfere with any storage compartments or windows etc?

How long is the warranty on the RV? Do you need extended coverage to protect your investment?

How is the RV constructed?

If it's a travel trailer / 5th wheel do you prefer a corrugated aluminum or fiberglass exterior? How hard is it to keep clean?

If you're buying a motor home do you want gas or diesel? Which type is more practical for how you plan to use it?

This list does not cover everything that must be considered, but it is a good start. Sometimes when we make an impulse buy we regret it later. Take the time to consider all of the factors involved before you make the purchase. Perhaps most importantly consider who you are purchasing from. In most cases this is who will be taking care of you after the sale!

Happy Camping

RV Education 101 is a North Carolina based Company that produces educational videos on how to use and maintain your RV. Mark Polk, the owner, started in the RV industry as an apprentice technician in the early 1970's. After retiring as a CW3 from the military (where Polk was an automotive maintenance technician, and was in charge of some very large maintenance operations throughout his career) in 1996, he got back into the industry he had a passion for. Polk has an extensive background in RV sales, service and management. He felt so strongly about educating the consumer that he left his position as an RV Sales Manager in 2000 to devote himself full time to his company. Mark’s program includes instructional videos and other materials to make your RVing lifestyle even easier. Mark also provides the RV Savvy segments for the RVTV program and can be seen on the Outdoor Channel. You can order Mark's complete line of RV Education 101 DVD's, videos or e-books from www.rveducation101.com or www.rvuniversity.com

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RV University, a site providing Recreation Vehicle safety, RV maintenance information, RV tips, RV advice and RV instruction for using and maintaining an RV by Mark Polk.
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