RV Travel: The price of gas by Mark J. Polk of RV Education 101
- Thursday, July 07 2005 @ 04:03 am UTC
- Contributed by: RVED101

I never understood why gas prices sky rocket every year when the avverage working family is planning to take their annual vacation. I try not to let it bother me. I try to look at it from an angle that I can deal with...... I for one am not going to let sky rocketing fuel prices change my plans for using and enjoying our RV. So, with that said and a motor home that averages 7 to 8 miles to a gallon I am forced to find ways to save on fuel rather than waiting and hoping for fuel prices to go down. After a little research I was surprised to learn how easy it can be to improve our fuel economy. Whether you’re towing a trailer or driving a motor home there are many ways to improve fuel economy. By performing some simple maintenance procedures and changing our driving habits a little we can save a significant amount of fuel.
One shocking discovery was that for each 5mph you go over 60mph is equivalent to paying 10 cents more per gallon. So if you’re traveling down the Interstate at 75 mph add 30 cents to the price on the pump! Wow, that can add up quick. If fuel prices drop to $1.65 a gallon you’ll still be paying $1.95 a gallon.
So how can we improve our fuel economy?
Talk to other RVers that have a motorhome or tow vehicle and trailer similar to yours. Compare gas mileage. If there is a significant difference compare notes and try to determine what makes the difference.
Something as simple as a clean air filter can improve your fuel economy up to 10 percent.
Checking and adjusting your tire pressure to the proper pressure can increase fuel economy by three percent, not to mention preventing premature tire wear and failures or blowouts caused by over or under-inflated tires. Tires can look normal when they are seriously under-inflated. Use a quality air pressure guage and check your tires when they’re cold, before traveling more than one mile.
Excessive idling wastes fuel. If you’re going to be sitting still for more than a couple of minutes shut the engine off.
Using overdrive whenever you can saves fuel by decreasing the engines speed.
Using the cruise control whenever possible saves fuel because it keeps the vehicle at a constant speed rather than variable speeds. But keep in mind the over 60 mph rule applies here too.
Keeping the vehicle tuned up and in top running condition saves fuel. A poorly tuned engine can lower fuel economy by 10 to 20 percent.
Poor emissions and / or a faulty oxygen sensor can cause a 40 percent reduction in fuel economy. Can you believe that? A 40 percent REDUCTION.
Following the recommended service and maintenance schedules will save you fuel.
Using the recommended grade of motor oil will increase fuel economy by one to two percent.
Speeding and rapid acceleration reduces fuel economy anywhere from five to 33 percent depending on your individual driving habits.
Added weight that you don’t need reduces fuel economy significantly. We’re all guilty of this one!
Only using the dash air conditioner when it is absolutely necessary will save a significant amount of fuel.
Use regular gas unless your owner’s manual specifies a higher-octane gas. You’re just throwing money away when you pay the extra money for premium fuel.
Do you know how many miles you get to a gallon of gas? Here’s how to find out. Fill the fuel tank and write down the odometer reading. The next time you stop for gas fill the tank again. Now divide the miles you traveled between fill ups by the amount of gas you bought the second time you filled up. This is how many miles you are getting to a gallon of gas. We may have no control over the prices at the pump, but as you can see we have total control over getting the most out of the fuel we put in our tank.
Happy Camping! And Keep on RVing!!
RV Education 101 is a North Carolina based Company that produces educational videos on how to use and maintain your RV. Mark Polk, the owner, started in the RV industry as an apprentice technician in the early 1970's. After retiring as a CW3 from the military (where Polk was an automotive maintenance technician, and was in charge of some very large maintenance operations throughout his career) in 1996, he got back into the industry he had a passion for. Polk has an extensive background in RV sales, service and management. He felt so strongly about educating the consumer that he left his position as an RV Sales Manager in 2000 to devote himself full time to his company. Mark’s program includes instructional videos and other materials to make your RVing lifestyle even easier. Mark also provides the RV Savvy segments for the RVTV program and can be seen on the Outdoor Channel. You can order Mark's complete line of RV Education 101 material from www.rveducation101.com and www.rvuniversity.com
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