RV Travel to Canada e-book by Peggi McDonald
- Tuesday, July 05 2005 @ 05:01 am UTC
- Contributed by: RVED101

Come Visit The Vast Hospitable Neighbour to the North!
RV T r a v e l to C a n a d a
No other publication comes close to providing the NECESSARY answers!!!!
TRIP PLANNING to Canada is so much easier when you have All the facts, websites and PHONE numbers at your fingertips.
TOPICS OF DISCUSSION © in this comprehensive publication!
The Friendly Country to the North – An overview of CANADA and of each PROVINCE/TERRITORY from east to west to north – ‘Sea to Sea to Sea’.
General Information – Welcome to Canada; At the border; Food allowed; Contact info; New technology affecting border crossing; and much more.
More Tidbits of Info - Money, conversion; banking, gas/fuel, propane: metric, etc.
What Can I Bring with me? - An overview of alcohol, tobacco, gifts, plants, passports/visas; travels with children; driver’s licence/insurance; ‘In Canada’ Guidebook; boats/cars left in Canada; Federal/Provincial tax.
Gun Control - What is prohibited and what is restricted?
Pet Travel - Bring your Pet Babies with you
Toll Roads and Ferry Information – General Info - websites and phone numbers
Trivia and Planning Tips – medical/health; general traffic regulations; more on drivers licence/insurance; CB/cell phones; pay phones; What you will find in Canada….
General Recap of Travel to Canada – Border Info Recap; Roads; Access to large cities; Campgrounds in general, Municipal campsites; Provincial and National Parks and Conservation Areas; Reservations policy; No-cost stops; Dump stations; Water; Climate; Mosaic of Nations; Official languages; Best time to visit; Popular destination; Police Forces; Crime rate; Acceptable Credit Cards; Internet access and satellite TV.
RV Regulations for the provinces and territories
Valuable Websites - Cross Border Information - and Phone #'s
Provincial Websites and Phone Numbers
National Parks – Canada and USA
US Tourism Websites and Phone Numbers
What Can I Bring with me? Order now and find out!!! No other publication comes close to providing the NECESSARY answers!!!!
43 Pages - In PDF format
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